Post a random fact about yourself...


Well-known member
Re: Some random facts about yourself

I feel like lazy jane from that Shel Silverstein poem sometimes.
Yay new season of Dr. Phil coming up-LMAO. i can't believe I watch him sometimes it's actually a source of great shame for me, what happened to the Dr. Phil family anyways?


Well-known member
Re: Some random facts about yourself

wow really?

I think i kinda like his no nonsense style and his southern sayings are funny like-

that dog won't hunt.
kick his ass to the curb
you can't change what you don't acknowledge
do i look like i have "stupid" written on my for head?
this aint my first rodeo

and the beginning when he says,

"This is gonna be a changing day in your life."

ahhh...LoL...i am addicted. He does seem to get it done in 60 mins for the most part. Rarely do i think he's giving bad advice, and I am pretty critical of t.v. in general it's I watch besides nature shows.

Dr. Doom

Well-known member
Re: Some random facts about yourself

I was born in Kansas.

I have a piece of one of missles stationed in Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis. (at least my mom's ex husbans told it was, he's a CIA/missile guys-knows german, russian, chinese and I think arabic-so I have no reason to think it isn't one. I'm pretty proud of it.

I feel sort of boastful after that last fact.

I've shot a deer before.

I used to be horribly afraid of storms until 8th grade. I used to have these panic attacks. Cryed, hid and covered my ears. Then somthing happened and now I love them. Only trace left of it is that I get a little anxious when I see that there is a tornado warning my area, but thats anyone right?

I've been to the Alamo.

Right now my hair is the longest it has ever been.

I still have my nintendo64, after a decade of service. It has outlived my playstation1, my game cube, my gameboy advanceSP, PSP, and my older version xbox 360. It's in my top 5 possesions.

Now I really feel boastful.

I once pet a chimpazee while hiking the white tank moutains in Pheonix,AZ. They aren't soft.


Well-known member
Re: Some random facts about yourself

I saw Dr. Phil for the first time in several years last week. I'm never home during the day when he is on or Ellen, or Oprah.


Well-known member
People that get milk and meat from the back of the shelves, to get the "best date" really piss me off. They cost the store millions of dollars a year, and are responsible for so much wasted food, that it could feed all the starving people in the world. :mad::mad::mad::mad:


Staff member
People that get milk and meat from the back of the shelves, to get the "best date" really piss me off. They cost the store millions of dollars a year, and are responsible for so much wasted food, that it could feed all the starving people in the world. :mad:

hehe ;)



Well-known member
I'm super awesome.
I tend to unconsciously take off my pants off when I'm warm. And then, two hours later I'd be all like ''What the heck? Where'd my pants go?''.

..Oh, this is only when I'm at home, in my room. Otherwise it'd be a little weird.
I spend much of my time thinking up concepts- and designs for various equipment and tools one might need just in case the world's law- and rights systems falls one day. Not in a paranoid kind of way though, fret not. :B

I just want to be sure that I won't get caught vulnerable or unprepared. Think of it as a safety net.