Post a random fact about yourself...


Well-known member
I've broken my left arm twice, both times while on a trampoline. STAY AWAY FROM TRAMPOLINES, KIDS!

the second time I would of been like "what the hell man."

I used to jump off rooftops onto trampolines (not suggested) and received a few bumps and bruises, luckily did not seriously hurt myself.


I am very obsessive and paranoid about privacy and my personal information. If I had my own place I'd be one of those freaks with like 10 locks on my steel reinforced door :eek:


Well-known member
Yay! I have my job back. And a week off until it starts ;)

Edit: But I was a complete mess on the phone. I hope they don't regret rehiring me lol damn i'm confusing when I try and speak more


Well-known member
I'm not particularly fond of fish and seafood, I've watched "Gladiator" 21 times, I have enough roleplaying books to make three 3 meter tall stacks, I like redheaded girls, My first job was selling paintings, In the army I was skiing more than I walked, I'm afraid of water, I am strongly against organized religion and brain-washing of any form, I love rollercoasters