(poll) How important are looks in terms of dating someone?

How important are looks in terms of dating someone?

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Well-known member
I picked "Very Important."

The question is how important are "looks" - not whether it's important that they are gorgeous by popularly accepted cultural standards.

Someone to whom I am greatly attracted may not be considered "beautiful" by someone else.

"Dating" implies some sort of romantic involvement - not just hanging out with a friend.

At the very minimum we at least have to accept the other person's looks.
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Well-known member
I can appreciate a nice body as much as the next person, but I'm more into the face. A man can have a great physique, but he wouldn't appeal to me if he didn't have a face that I could be attracted to. I have seen many guys with awesome abs and arms, but their faces just didn't do it for me. A person's physique doesn't bother me because it can be worked on. All it takes is the right diet and excercise. The face is another matter entirely.

word... and anyway, abs are actually the last thing i look for.. arms are nice, but i'm a back person for some reason.. muscular backs are sexy! haha :)

something important to note, too, is that obviously "good looks" doesn't mean brad pitt or megan fox... it's just whatever we find attractive about someone, you know what i mean? i say that looks are as important as attraction, and boy am i attracted to tall muscular men with dark hair and dark eyes, but every guy i've been in a serious relationship with has been a somewhat scrawny 5'8-5'10, haha! i don't know how it happens that way, it's just that different things can be attractive about different people ...okay, i'll quit stating the obvious! lol

edit -- okay coyote just said that much much simpler :)


Well-known member
well thanks for killing the hopes of guys with ugly faces who have great bodies. But seriously, a good body will get you plenty of girls to those who got an ugly face, so don't give up.


Well-known member
well thanks for killing the hopes of guys with ugly faces who have great bodies. But seriously, a good body will get you plenty of girls to those who got an ugly face, so don't give up.

haha! i didn't know i was doing that?! you can't generalize an ugly face, people have all kinds of different opinions/preferences!


It's all relative dudes. Too many guys put the girl on a pedestal, thus feeding the girls ego. It's similar with girls and good looking guys too. Looks, and even personality can change and can be faked.

In our society, that is modern america, everyone is fed over and over again that image is everything. Find the girl that sees through the bull****. Find the guy that sees through the bull****. Someone you can sit down and have a normal conversation with, not someone that expects anything out of you.

Imo expectation is disgusting, as soon as I detect that the girl thinks im a specific type of guy (ie badass, witty w/e) and she labels me as such, its a complete turnoff


Well-known member
I know at first glance this may not look like a topic for the social anxiety forum, but it is in this case.
When I was growing up it seemed like when it came to the opposite sex being interested in you, it all was about how good looking you are. And this was equal for guys and girls.
I am just so confused because I got a lot of put downs about how I looked in my teenage years, I now aim to look my best but all the negative judgements has made me believe people don't see me as good looking at all, quite the opposite in fact.
But I am living my life with an inferiority complex believing I am not good looking enough for women to be interested in me. It makes me so self conscious and feel so inadequate around women because I just don't believe I am good enough because I don't look good enough.

So what is the reality when you get into your late 20s and 30s, is it still a shallow world where looks is everything? I just have no idea any more. If I am going on my past experience of what I have seen for myself and for others then I believe that looks is so important - that if you don't look good enough then you will never get a date, whereas if you are good looking then you definitely will get a date but its how well you then get on that depends if anything happens. Good personality = friend material. Good looks = dating material.

I want honest answers, how important are looks when it comes to wpuld people date you?

Hi, I'm not trying to justify because I voted first and then read your message :D (yep I voted max. importance), but I just would like to explain my view on this matter: I don't think it can be possible on earth that without any sort of physical attraction, a relationship can be in existence. And I think that anybody would date anybody which he totally dislike. But my point is that 1 this is separate from the personality considerations, which also are hugely important, especially if you consider the further developements of the "dating" phase, but really also the dating phase itself for a lot of people; and 2 that I think that all the people, one more and one less, but we all have a liking which from the phisical point of view (perhaps more than from the personality one) covers a quite wide and diverse range of looks.
That's all :) bye
Looks are really important, but what one person considers good looking is completely different from what somebody else thinks is good looking.


Yeah I think looks are important too. I tend to only be drawn to really pretty..or very good looking girls. I dont know why..i just do. Im being honest. Though they arent everything..they do matter to me.

The hard thing is..finding someone who i like..who likes me too..and can put up with my complete and utter weirdness. I doubt it will ever happen. =(
Yeah I think looks are important too. I tend to only be drawn to really pretty..or very good looking girls. I dont know why..i just do. Im being honest. Though they arent everything..they do matter to me.

The hard thing is..finding someone who i like..who likes me too..and can put up with my complete and utter weirdness. I doubt it will ever happen. =(

human nature bra, who wants to drive around in a station wagon? Everybody wants to drive the porsche or rolls or aston martin of course!


human nature bra, who wants to drive around in a station wagon? Everybody wants to drive the porsche or rolls or aston martin of course!

Thing is though..im really shy. So as much as looks are pretty important..i also like someone to be sweet and shy'ish too. I can open up around a girl..but i have problems at the moment..and it would just take me time..to allow the real me to show through my nervousness/self consciousness and awkwardness.

Just need to find someone as bad as me..and we can just dream along in our own little existence. lol


Well-known member
I admit I am a guy who is very into looks and I hate the way this sounds whenever I talk about the type of girl I would like to date I always feel like I sound mean or cruel even though Im not I just have certain image of the type of girl I want to date and I can't even picture myself with someone who isn't even remotely what i'm looking. And yesi know personality is the most important thing but as I've learned from the way I've been treated just having a great personality doesn't always mean you will have a good relationship.


Looks are vitally important to me. I couldn't date someone whose face didn't have a kindly expression. As for whether or not they could be considered classically handsome, meh, that's a non-issue.


Well-known member
honestly I've never been with someone that I thought was sexy when I first met them, but as I start to get into a relationship with them, then they turn into the most beautiful girl in the room to me


Well-known member
Are looks important? Let's see... who would you want a date with?






Active member
I'm more worried about how I look to them, rather than the other way round. I suppose I'm indifferent to other peoples looks, so I vote neutral. I do worry that every guy who would judge my looks, would go for 'very important' and that I would be a great dissapointment :(