(poll) How important are looks in terms of dating someone?

How important are looks in terms of dating someone?

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I'm more worried about how I look to them, rather than the other way round. I suppose I'm indifferent to other peoples looks, so I vote neutral. I do worry that every guy who would judge my looks, would go for 'very important' and that I would be a great dissapointment :(

That's another reason I was feeling bitter... I know my guy is not going to leave me because of my looks, but i fear I will be a dissapointment once he meets me in person. I don't want him to be unhappy because of me.


Well-known member
Looks have always been vitally important for me. But with me, if I think she's attractive at all I'll never go on a date with her. It's like I'm a clove of garlic with a thing for vampires.

It's especially tough to find anyone when one is both physically unappealing and afraid of socializing with people. I never approach anyone, and no one has ever had a reason to approach me. I feel like I've gone through most of my life as an observer, always watching others' lives change and progress. And despite many attempts to change things, I just feel like I've just been stagnant since middle school.

Yes, it's left me a tad bitter, but I try not to dwell on it. I've just given up hope of ever going on a date of any kind. Though I still try my luck occasionally, and laugh at my utter lack of success. :D

But whenever I see an attractive woman my first thought is usually "No." So I'm voting "Very important" because I never have luck with the pretty ladies. Otherwise I'd have voted for "Somewhat important."

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I believe looks don't matter that much. It's what's inside that counts.

I have to admit that I'd be quite intimidated if I were to meet someone who is very good looking. I have very low self-esteem so walking around with a super muscle guy would make me feel worse.

I think I'd be more comfortable dating someone who is more casual who likes simple things like going to the aquarium or just looking at the stars.



Well-known member
I think I'd be more comfortable dating someone who is more casual who likes simple things like going to the aquarium or just looking at the stars.

I don't know much about the heavens or the deep (formerly) blue sea, so does birdwatching count? Although asking a woman to accompany me to a quiet park doesn't seem like much of a pickup line.... :eek:

And I must also point out that if you're semi-attractive in any way, I'll most likely freeze up and not say anything anyway.



Well-known member
I believe looks don't matter that much. It's what's inside that counts.

I have to admit that I'd be quite intimidated if I were to meet someone who is very good looking. I have very low self-esteem so walking around with a super muscle guy would make me feel worse.

I think I'd be more comfortable dating someone who is more casual who likes simple things like going to the aquarium or just looking at the stars.


that's really attractive, wanting to look at the stars and go to the aquarium... I guess shared interest or just getting someone interested because of things u like does make you more attractive? I don't know...


Well-known member
I don't know about the rest of you, but I think dating is really uncomfortable, awkward and very stressful. I mean you go through the hassle of buying new clothes, going to the salon, buy a new perfume, etc, etc. In my opinion, it's so much easier to hang out and be yourself and get to know the other person better.

Having common interests helps, but I'm sure there can always be a compromise. Go to one place one person likes, and then go to another place the other person likes :)

Well that's me. I'm a bit different from other people, at least that's what I've been told. Not sure how the rest of the girls feel about this. ::p:


Well-known member
I chose "Neutral" and "Somewhat Important", because I'm in between those two. I can't really be romantically interested in someone unless I'm at least SOMEWHAT physically attracted to them.


Well-known member
I inadvertently checked both 'very' and 'somewhat important.' My mistake.

I should have just checked 'somewhat'. There's an initial spark of attraction (or lack thereof) when you first see someone, but I've had my attraction lever switched on or off by a girl's attitude or behavior. Nothing's worse than a girl who acts skanky or slutty (however pretty she might at first seem), while otherwise "plain" girls can reel me in when they show kindness or intelligence (or awkwardness, which is always endearing). So there are clearly other factors at play.

There's still a minimum level of attractiveness required, though, and that goes for everyone.


Well-known member
Are looks important? Let's see... who would you want a date with?





None of them.

If I were a guy though I might go out with Jessica Alba to get into her pants, but for relationships purposes I find her to be self righteous and she's too high strung about her looks- her personality is a turn off. She thinks looking pretty is acting and I just find her too conceited. There are girls that are attractive both personality wise and looks wise - Kerry Mulligan, Scarlet Johansson, Rachel Weisz - you can tell they are comfortable in their own skin and they know how to work it.


Well-known member
Ha ha ha ha ha the only reason I've had two girlfriends at all is because I'm relatively attractive and they asked me out. I say looks are important, at least in my case, because the anxiety and the pain I feel leaves my personality totally worthless. If I didn't look good then I'd probably wish I was dead every day. I have no self-esteem.
Not that important. What I find is that when I like a guy he automatically becomes physically attractive to me regardless of what he actually looks like.