On Halloween and You :)


Well-known member
I love Halloween but never really do anything for it. I like the feel of it and I really wannaaa do something but arghh! Saying that I have been invited to a Halloween house party but I just can't be bothered to party and dress up.

You should go for it! They're really fun :D
And if you buy a costume it doesn't take too much time

razzle dazzle rose

Well-known member
Every Halloween I hope there is a party I will be invited to so I can dress up. There have been no invites for a couple years now... In the past I have dressed up as a cigarette girl and a goddess. Ha. There is no party this year, but I think I am dressing up still as there are many places one can go here in LA and just walk around in costume. I want to dress up as something girly but not slutty, maybe a doll. Halloween is such a fun time. I hate to spend it home. Tomorrow we have something fun planned...one of those theme parks with the scary mazes. So, I can't wait for that :)


Well-known member
I really like Halloween. It is probably my favorite holiday. I dressed up as V from V For Vendetta two years ago and won second place in a costume contest at my school. That was pretty cool. I am not doing anything this year though. Even if I wanted to, I just do not have the time. School and work keep me perpetually busy.


Well-known member
i used to love halloween even if it meant to get mugged by gangs from my neighborhood , the atmosphere and the cool costumes is what i miss


Well-known member
lots of people love halloween and don't really do much for it. that doesn't make you a loser...*I* don't think you're a loser for staying home on halloween.

What makes me a loser is that I have no personal relationships. The staying home for halloween is just another example of why I'm loser.

I have no friends and no girlfriend/wife.<--- That makes me a loser.

I appreciate your sympathy, though.


Well-known member

Because life isn't a joke. A lot of it is serious. Especially when someone such as myself is suffering from an anxiety disorder.


Active member
I won't be going anywhere, I haven't in ages now. I'll probably dress up my boyfriend and myself for the fun of it though and watch some scary films :)
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Well-known member
I have signed up to help take my little niece and nephew out...I think my sister is going to buy me a bee costume and make me wear it, lol. I'm going to freeze to death!


Well-known member
I have signed up to help take my little niece and nephew out...I think my sister is going to buy me a bee costume and make me wear it, lol. I'm going to freeze to death!

A bee, cool! Freezing is a small price to pay for the opportunity to dress up as a bee.

My mum went to an early Halloween party tonight, costume and all. She has more going on than I. The last time I did something for Halloween was in 2005.


Well-known member
Going to a house party and clubs probably. I just have no idea what to dress up as. Decisions... ::p:

*gasp* parties.......clubs..........what are you doing on this site ????
this site be for homebound hermits and introverted internet socialites!
begone! ye who doeseth things that maketh the majority of us paralyze with fear!

either that or if you've overcome your social phobia, and would like to enlighten the rest of us as to how you've managed to overcome it and make such a big leap by attending such outings, that would be great too


Active member
Unfortunetly I was stuck in the kitchen working on halloween, so was unable to go out :(
But here's a picture of a bird on a cactus:
