Nice guys finish last...

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Well-known member
Speaking of aggression...when it comes to domesticated animals (like humans, cows, dogs, etc) it is the ones who show little fear and little aggression who are best adapted to advancing, from an evolutionary standpoint. For example, it was those wolves who showed little fear toward humans, but who were also not aggressive toward humans, who ended up being domesticated into over 700 genetically different species of dogs. (Thank you, NOVA.)

Anyway, my point is that, from a cultured human race standpoint, it is those middle-of-the-roaders who will be most successful at passing on their genes to their progeny. They will be the ones who finish first. And those who are fearful (like many of us) and those who are aggressive (like the "not nice" guys) are basically the evolutionary stalemate. So, we both lose.

The trick is not to be the nice guy or the bad boy, but the mediocre mate. :cool:


Well-known member
Its ok, sorry I didnt mean to make a big deal out of it or anything, I was just thinking of the classic interpretation of aggressive rather than the more competitive/bold type definition of the word. Moving on..

oops, sorry, didn't mean to beat a dead horse.


Well-known member
Dumbesticated humans for the win!
I <3 steak that obeys...

soylent green... it's people

Looks like the plan is already in the works!

(I (semi)respectfully and entirely disagree with the docility selection, middle of the road, mediocrity dealio)

If being selected to be a mindless meatbag with reproductive organs is the pinnacle of success... blorg
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Nathan! I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who feels like my brain is being probed when I watch TV... it's eerie.. really eerie



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It means both.
People say 'bad boys are only trouble' and stuff but at the end of the day they get the girls.
And I don't think being nice is about being passive. It is about not being aggressive and stepping all over others to get what you want. It is about actually giving a damn about someone else than yourself.
Yes, I think nice guys finish last. In this world niceness is a character flaw.

This,I see people saying that the "nice guy" cheated on them,abandoned them or if you are nice be prepared to kick ass,obviously those werent/arent nice guys.
As for the boss argument a nice guy couldnt be the boss,because a boss needs to put people in their place,so he wouldnt be nice,he really has to be agressive and put himself and the company first.


Well-known member
There's no such thing as a nice guy.

People are just trends that thing(verb) when put into close proximity of other trending things.


Well-known member
Some so-called nice guys that I have met were not so nice after all. I don't like to group people into either a "nice" or "bad" category (I do struggle with black and white thinking though so that is sometimes a challenge). It is just not fair or accurate. We all have nice and bad in us.

Agree with this!

What is a 'nice' guy anyway?? A shy guy doesn't automatically have to be a nice or kind person.

Personally i'm extremely turned off by the stereotypical macho, neanderthal bad boy-behaviour where violence is seen as something good.
I like guys who behave in a mature way. Also confidence shouldn't be confused with bad boy-behaviour. Confidence = good.


Well-known member
People will typically declare themselves to be nicer than other people if asked. The average person will also lay claim to having an above average IQ, too. Hrmm...

well, i do have a higher IQ than most people probably think

but i'm probably not as nice as they think I am

so it balances out
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