Nice guys finish last...

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Well-known member
There is nothing gloryfying about sluts or a guy that sleeps around.

Also, there is a reason why girls dont make the move. -- could be because they shy, or they like a guy whos brave.

Girls may have strong sex drive too, but it doesnt mean they appreciate it if a guy who is not their boyfriend, talks about it with them. They probably prefer to talk to you, if you were their boyfriend. If you openly talk, they could either enjoy it, or think you say this to every girl you meet and probably std infested. It depends on the girl you are after. Try not assume that, if a girl dont enjoy it, it means they actually do. Because they probably dont. There is a reason why girls like pink, and boys like blue.

And not all girls are the same. It depend what girl you are looking for.


Well-known member
y'know, porn didn't used to be like that

it's gotten really degrading in recent years

it used to be a thing of beauty
But with needs of the population getting worse and openly more perverted, porn has to keep up. And it will keep getting worse.

I wonder what the next generation will be watching....

Today's porn may seem incredibly tame in 2040.


Well-known member
But with needs of the population getting worse and openly more perverted, porn has to keep up. And it will keep getting worse.

I wonder what the next generation will be watching....

Today's porn may seem incredibly tame in 2040.

Just WAIT until we discover life on other planets...


Well-known member
I agree. I watch it...but a lot of it does make me cringe. Notice how there rarely is any kissing involved? I like kissing...

The porn I like has high production values, beautiful stars of both genders, and a plot.

It may be because for me, sex and love are inextricably entwined. But I need context. I need to feel that the characters care about each other, or hate each other, or something. Otherwise, it's just machinery.

Girly, I know.


Well-known member
There is nothing gloryfying about sluts or a guy that sleeps around.
But notice how there's a derogatory word for a girl sleeping around but not for a guy doing the exact same thing?

And not all girls are the same.
Exactly. I wish some of my friends would take that into consideration, and not think that every girl that gives them eye contact is keen for sex.

common mistake

they didn't use real dinosaurs in Jurassic Park either
Yes they did. YES THEY DID! Don't bring me down, man!


Well-known member
The porn I like has high production values, beautiful stars of both genders, and a plot.

It may be because for me, sex and love are inextricably entwined. But I need context. I need to feel that the characters care about each other, or hate each other, or something. Otherwise, it's just machinery.

Girly, I know.

i guess i'm girly, too, then


Well-known member
it used to be a thing of beauty
Aletheia is probably remembering those days


But it's true.

You look at naughty Edwardian postcards, and the people in them look like they're genuinely enjoying themselves.

There are always lots of props, lots of context, lots of beauty.

And they knew that what is concealed is often more titillating that what is revealed, something I think we've forgotten.

(Wait, why is this thread all about porn now??)


Well-known member
I wonder if some of the conceptions about the ways men and women enjoy porn and sex are also media driven generalisations? An individuals sexuality is probably as complex in the same way as an individuals anxiety sufferering is.


Well-known member
Interspecies porn? I can hardly wait! :rolleyes:

What could be better than the old pizza delivery guy? Or the plumber? World-class writing right there. ::p:

A.) They already have that. You've got to look around Mikey if you're going to contend with me for the title of "SPW's Greatest Casanova-ing Hentai":rolleyes:!

B.) Even better, the guy next door! Or you can go with the best and call me:cool:! But, seriously, as cliche as they are, there can be some things to learn from porn. If that were not so, then sex therapists or psychologists wouldn't be using it in the first place.


Well-known member
But notice how there's a derogatory word for a girl sleeping around but not for a guy doing the exact same thing?

I know what you mean, but really they both just as bad. Its more bad for a woman because, I dont want to say this but it is true really, they are weaker. They the ones who get rape if there is a chance, get pregnant or would end up being beaten up by abusive boyfriends. You never really hear a guy getting rape, or a abusive girlfriend beating his boyfriend. Once a woman realise that she is worth a million and can say that to herself, she wouldnt be a slut. Its all about self-respect.


Well-known member
I wonder if some of the conceptions about the ways men and women enjoy porn and sex are also media driven generalisations? An individuals sexuality is probably as complex in the same way as an individuals anxiety sufferering is.

absolutely, there are so many degrees of variation on both

that's why it's impossible to generalize too broadly


Well-known member
B.) Even better, the guy next door! Or you can go with the best and call me:cool:! But, seriously, as cliche as they are, there can be some things to learn from porn. If that were not so, then sex therapists or psychologists wouldn't be using it in the first place.
Haha, guy next door. Or the boss/secretary scenario. Top quality plot.

You do hear of sex workers who won't kiss their johns because that's something they save for their boyfriends.
Never heard that personally, but I agree with it, haha.

I know what you mean, but really they both just as bad. Its more bad for a woman because, I dont want to say this but it is true really, they are weaker. They the ones who get rape if there is a chance, get pregnant or would end up being beaten up by abusive boyfriends. You never really hear a guy getting rape, or a abusive girlfriend beating his boyfriend. Once a woman realise that she is worth a million and can say that to herself, she wouldnt be a slut. Its all about self-respect.
I know a male who was raped.

Women are weaker physically, but that doesn't make men raping or beating them justified! Sometimes good women make the wrong choices (which I've also seen).
I know what you mean, but really they both just as bad. Its more bad for a woman because, I dont want to say this but it is true really, they are weaker. They the ones who get rape if there is a chance, get pregnant or would end up being beaten up by abusive boyfriends. You never really hear a guy getting rape, or a abusive girlfriend beating his boyfriend. Once a woman realise that she is worth a million and can say that to herself, she wouldnt be a slut. Its all about self-respect.

Yes, but it's unfortunate that people are victimised for being perceived as 'slutty', the issue should stand with the perpetrators, not the victims

SlutWalk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"On January 24, 2011 Constable Michael Sanguinetti spoke on crime prevention at a York University safety forum.[8] He said: "women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimized."[8] Co-founders Sonya Barnett and Heather Jarvis decided to use the word slut in their response.[9] They observe that historically, "slut" has had negative connotations, and that their goal is to redeem the term.[5] They write that women "are tired of being oppressed by slut-shaming; of being judged by our sexuality and feeling unsafe as a result." They continue: "Being in charge of our sexual lives should not mean that we are opening ourselves to an expectation of violence, regardless if we participate in sex for pleasure or work."[5] Sanguinetti later apologized for the remark.[8]"


Well-known member
I think a woman has more to lose than a guy. A guy may take his shirt off, but no girls will go crazy over him. But a girl may wear less fabrics, ... but they get more attention.
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