Nice guys finish last...

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Well-known member
You never really hear a guy getting rape, or a abusive girlfriend beating his boyfriend

Actually, men do get abused by their partners, not just psychologically, but physically as well. It gets under-reported because abused men suffer even greater shame about it than abused women do.

And men get raped too (admittedly usually by other men).


Well-known member
There was a SlutWalk in Australia, too. I remember that.

That quote from Sanguinetti makes me angry.


Well-known member
I think a woman has more to lose than a guy. A guy may take his shirt off, but no girls will go crazy over him. But a girl may wear less fabrics, ... but they get more attention.
But that doesn't make what she's doing wrong. The men just need to control themselves sometimes.


Well-known member
An individuals sexuality is probably as complex in the same way as an individuals anxiety sufferering is.

This is so true, and may be a key to this whole thread: you won't know how an individual woman (or man) feels about sex or "niceness" (or you) until you get to know them.

Avoid assumptions.


Well-known member
Ah prime example Taylor Lautner in those vamp movies. Girls around the country snapped. And I grumbled incoherently lmao

I was thinking more along the lines of people like Daniel Craig or Johnny Depp or, and I can't believe I'm saying this, Bieber. Those men(?)::p: would definitely cause a riot if they walked around shirtless!


Well-known member
But that doesn't make what she's doing wrong. The men just need to control themselves sometimes.

Yeah, I never said what she isnt doing is right. I dont think its right to walk in the street wearing clothes as though you are about to get laid any moment, and then blaming the guy for stalking right. She can be at fault too. If thats what you mean.


Well-known member
But that doesn't make what she's doing wrong. The men just need to control themselves sometimes.

Note to would-be rapists: Maybe she's dressing like she wants to have sex. Maybe she does want to have sex. Doesn't mean she wants to have sex with you.

(That Tori Amos song about her rape is heart-rending, her guilt over her dress. And that Sanguinetti quote is obscene in this day and age; I thought we were past that.)


Well-known member
... I thought we were past that...

this is what keeps baffling me

i keep reading all these attitudes that i thought we did away with back in the 1970's

only now they're all back again

just like bell bottoms and sideburns

only uglier


Well-known member
this is what keeps baffling me

i keep reading all these attitudes that i thought we did away with back in the 1970's

only now they're all back again

just like bell bottoms and sideburns

only uglier

Some things change, while some things always stay the same. It's sad, but we can, as a group, fight this by protesting and fighting, in ways similar to the SlutWalk. I'm not sure if we can eliminate it, but, at the very least, we can dumb it down.


Well-known member
Some things change, while some things always stay the same. It's sad, but we can, as a group, fight this by protesting and fighting, in ways similar to the SlutWalk. I'm not sure if we can eliminate it, but, at the very least, we can dumb it down.

It has been done away with, look at society now, .. whats happening is what you want. No point protesting over what 1 person thinks... theres always going to be a different opinion. The protest is a bit pointless, you cant control peoples emotion. If you see something seductive, you will be allured naturally.

I just want to add --

I dont understand what you want to protest about, but being a slut is never going to be something good in my book.
being a slut and 'dressing like a slut' but isnt a slut are differnet.

If someone going to wear a wedding outfit, you assume they going to get married.

Its natural to think this. Cant force people to think different.

I can understand about the slutwalk, not every girl who wear slutty outfits are sluts, or should be an object of desire. But it depends on what they wearing at the end.
But the only reason why girls dress like sluts are for perverted men pleasure, its not really for themselve. If you see them at home, the only clothes they wearing is their pyjamas.

sex is a personal subject to some people because it means talking about their body parts which they may not be comfortable with. People can feel expose, not every woman out there prefers to wear slutty outfits, it isnt always about wot society think, it can be personal peference. The ones who like to, want to be okay with it, so they protest.

But dont worry, because society has changed, it is common now for woman to wear very sexy outfit and people being okay with it, (which doesnt mean, some wont think they trying to have sex.) So you can enjoy!
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Well-known member
Wow so now not approaching women is rejection now?
if thats the case then lets make this for guys aswell,I bet guys get approached much less.

About the slut double standard,I feel a big part is womens fault,they should do the same,but they dont,they actually love guys who sleep around,has a lot of girls and etc.

I am certainly not part of this double standard, once a "player" was talking with me how this girl was a "dog",so I interrupted him and said,but you are not the same?
I actually find it funny,he is always saying and showing to me girls messages and saying,hey look at this girl she is so dumb,this guy can be really a prick,but only some times,yet girls love him,I dont really understand and dont want to,because if I do I will be in a state where I have to be locked in a mental hospital.

See some old arguments here.

Jerk gets women more than non-jerks. Perhaps those jerks were nice guys but have been rejected so many times they just don't ****in care anymore. Jerk they will become.

Point there, keep trying and nice guy you will not be... Yeah?

But, if like me, that's not that way you are. Then what? Confidence. A woman wants a confident man. Man... a Man. Dose not mean shy away from feelings. Say what you mean and mean what you say.

To nice guys: take the women off the ****in pedestal. They're not holy, they're not above you, guys. They are human beings. Talk with them like you do to Joe Bob or Jeff Schlits.

Most importantly quit going out and looking. Go out and do what you want to do. Looking gets us no where.

Always be polite.


Active member
I'm the nice guy and I'm proud of that fact, I here women talk about their boyfriends and after every comment about him they say things like idiot or dumb ass. I am always confused by this because some end up marrying them, I will never be the dumb ass or idiot and if that means I finish last then so be it they're the ones missing out because I am a great friend and an even better boyfriend.

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
Now when is someone gonna tell me about the freaking Fox and Grapes???

Once upon a time there was a fox. This fox desperately wanted some grapes, and every day he would go and sit outside the grocery store, looking longingly through the window at the sweet, juicy grapes on display in the produce section. He hoped that by sitting there nicely and politely, one of the store workers might spot him and bring him some grapes, but each day he wandered back to his foxhole hungry and disappointed.

One day, while the fox was sitting there in his usual spot, a coyote walked up to the store. He spotted the fox looking through the window, and followed his gaze to the bunches of grapes.

"Mmmm," thought the coyote "those do look rather good.", so he walked into the store. Once inside he found a store worker who was busily arranging her melon display, and coughed politely. The young woman turned around.

"My goodness," said the coyote "those are some impressive melons you have there." He winked. The woman raised an eyebrow in an "O RLY?" kind of way.

"Say," continued the coyote "I noticed you have quite a display of grapes there. You seem to have an awful lot of them. I don't suppose you could spare just a few for a hungry coyote?"

The woman looked at the grapes, and then back at the coyote. She considered his request for a moment, before reaching out and breaking off a small bunch of grapes.

"I suppose a talking coyote is worth a few grapes," she said, handing them to him. "Now shoo out of my store!".

The coyote took the grapes, flashed the woman a parting smile, and trotted out of the store. On his way out he passed the fox, who had seen everything that had just happened through the window, and was now sitting there with his mouth wide open in shock. The coyote was still a little puzzled as to why the fox was just sitting there, but he figured it must just be some weird fox-thing, and headed off home to enjoy his grapes.

The fox watched the coyote disappear down the street. "Stupid jerk coyotes!" he muttered to himself. "They always get whatever they want. Life's so easy for them. Everyone hates foxes!". Once the coyote was out of sight, he turned back to the window and continued gazing at the grapes.

The End.


Well-known member
this is my opinion of the slut walk (its not me though) --
Slutwalk is Stupid, Just Like Liberals - YouTube

even if its not really related to nice guys thread. But its just clear. I mean, it isnt going to change, if it was about rapist. Rapist aint going to stop because u suddenly dress even more slutty than usual, it just silly. But, like that lady mentioned in the vid, what isit they are really fighting for?
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