I've been wondering where you've been. ☹ I'm really sorry to hear that Loyal.

I do hope to see you around again sometime in the near nearish future. I would hate for you to permanently avoid something you enjoy just because of one person/user. But I also understand why you would as well, if the situation makes you that uncomfortable it probably is best to avoid. I hope things start looking up for you soon!
You're right in that it sucks to avoid the forum just because of one user, but I really cant stand her, even on ignore it shows up as ignored person so Im still reminded of her and that just reminds me of how she likes to pour out her bigotry and try and constantly forcing her religion in our faces in every damn thread she can. Frankly I know we have various religious members and its never been an issue with anyone else, a post here or there and generally not remotely feeling like they are forcing it on everyone else or using it to spread hate.
I'm all for believe what you want to believe, but dont go using it to justify bigoted views and constantly trying to force everyone to make accommodations for your beliefs, or constantly just derail topics onto your beliefs when its not just unrelated but entirely unnecessary. She'll end up making so many of these threads flooded with her religious beliefs which is very off putting, all the more because we have so few members so its not like its easily drowned out by other posters. We have so few members these days that it just feels like her posts take up so much space, especially when she is being homophobic and just downright ignorant about them.
So even though she is on ignored and I just see reference to a post being there, or if I view the post and its one of the few not about her beliefs, or its a relatively harmless one about her beliefs, it still reminds me of all the other posts that she has made and it just makes this whole forum feel unwelcoming and just not somewhere I feel comfortable even lurking, let alone posting in.