I've decided to stop using Facebook.


Well-known member
I've decided that i'm going to stop using it for at least a few months. I'm not closing my account because i keep in touch with family on there but usually when i go on there i'll see something that upsets me or makes me feel depressed. So...yeah, this is day one with no Facebook. I'm hoping that it will help me to focus on other more important things. Has anyone else tried this?


Well-known member
I'm not really checking/posting much. Sometimes weeks go by without checking my page. My FB usage isn't really problematic to me but I can see how it can be. I hear people have addictions to Facebook. I've never had that. i do have it with a few other sites though (checking news sites, this forum and IMDB). I think in general it's only a big a problem as you make it in your head. If checking Facebook has become a habit to you that is making you feel bad then you should definately try and control it a bit.

Sometimes I do get a bit depressed when I see people are doing fun things, or replying to each other, but I am also glad for them. On the other hand, people only show what they want you to see on Facebook, not the mundane, boring or troubled parts of their lives, which everyone has.
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Well-known member
I closed mine for a similar reasons, I just need to get a break from it.. it's such a time thief that I don't really get any things done :Þ


Well-known member
I only have a very small friends list. Like 20 or 30 people. Anyone whom I'm not really interested in get's kicked off. That way, I use FB to stay in touch with people, but not much more, since there are only four or five things changing there for me daily anyway.


Well-known member
I've decided that i'm going to stop using it for at least a few months. I'm not closing my account because i keep in touch with family on there but usually when i go on there i'll see something that upsets me or makes me feel depressed. So...yeah, this is day one with no Facebook. I'm hoping that it will help me to focus on other more important things. Has anyone else tried this?

you can add me - then you'll have something to see on Facebook that's awesome! :thumbup:


Well-known member
I always think i should do that ..deactivate it but then i guess i not really care for it. no one cares to message me etc nor do i post often my pessimistic rants so basically fb is not a thing to care for to me.


Well-known member
I'm so jealous, i hate weekend pics! Parties, people having fun with friends, dating... and people saying how life is good! ;s
I always unsubscribe from people that send me facebook requests. That way I can go on facebook to chat, but I only get updates about sports I watch. People posting about all they have achieved and their happy lives really annoys me.

Pretty much this, why don't just unsuscribe from the updates of people who post things that depress you?


Well-known member
I'm so jealous, i hate weekend pics! Parties, people having fun with friends, dating... and people saying how life is good! ;s

all i ever see are people posting their political or religious views, prayer requests for people with disabling illnesses, and the occasional funny cat photo

can we trade facebooks? yours sounds like more fun


Well-known member
Pretty much this, why don't just unsuscribe from the updates of people who post things that depress you?

It wasn't so much people's updates, more me looking at certain people's profiles (or person's) when i'm trying to get over them. It's a long story but basically every time i go on there the temptation's too great and i end up looking at things that i know will upset me. I don't have much willpower.


Well-known member
My facebook account is inactive for the most part. If I do go on facebook, it's to read messages or add some people (which is rare). Other than that, I don't do anything on fb. I find going to this forum is even more fun than going to fb.:bigsmile:


Well-known member
I've been away from FB for two years. Never deactivated my account because.. I guess I still have an attachment to some of the people on my friend list. I don't keep in touch but I don't want to wipe out the last trace of contact I have with them, incase I'd ever like to reach out.

There's also alot of past history and photos I'd need to wipe off if I decide to go back which I'm reluctant to do.

Aside from that, it has helped contain the anxiety I get from watching other people live their lives.


Well-known member
Facebook is also a huge time waster. I use to spend hours a day on that. At least with SPW, I am learning to be a better person.


Well-known member
I've been away from FB for two years. Never deactivated my account because.. I guess I still have an attachment to some of the people on my friend list. I don't keep in touch but I don't want to wipe out the last trace of contact I have with them, incase I'd ever like to reach out.

There's also alot of past history and photos I'd need to wipe off if I decide to go back which I'm reluctant to do.

Aside from that, it has helped contain the anxiety I get from watching other people live their lives.

Love your avatar. :) Yeah, that's why i haven't closed my account.


Well-known member
YES YES YES!!! I did it a few years for a month.. very liberating! I'd love to delete my account too cause I spend way too much time on it but my uni study groups are organized on it and they don't wanna change it -_- but good decision!


Well-known member
I don't miss it either. Everyone on my friend list always talks about the same thing. The personal stuff I'm not interested in and I'm tired of the political debates. Glad to be off! Free!