I've decided to stop using Facebook.

razzle dazzle rose

Well-known member
I deactivated my Facebook two months ago. It was just supposed to be for a week or two, but I found I liked being off it. There are many reasons, one is that I just like the simplicity of not having a FB to keep up. Maybe I will get it back up in the summer. I am not sure. For now I am enjoying this break :)
Every once in a while I will deactivate mine either because A) people start to get obnoxious and I get tired of seeing them talk about the same things over and over again. Last year this one particular fad diet/pyramid scheme started gaining momentum in my area and it brainwashed a good chunk of the people on my friends list. I couldn't check my feed without seeing at least a dozen status updates with them trying to recruit people.

or B) because seeing everybody living these full lives full of friends, amazing jobs, etc, is a constant reminder of how little I've accomplished since high school.

It's always a nice refreshing little break, though. And Facebook is sometimes the only thread of a connection left with people who were once good friends, so it's nice to keep in touch that way.


Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
This just appeared in my facebook feed a little while ago.

This sort of thing is the reason I don't plan to stop using facebook.


"My tv just froze like this for several minutes. I'm half amused and half disturbed."


Well-known member
after seeing the good effects of deleting facebook i m tempted to stop it too.
For that matter..i should erase everything online..no forum. no social media sites..it would be liberating.
i will not have to look for any NEW messages that i rarely get or i wont have to live up to the expectation of anyone.
FREE FREE ..there was a time when there was no Internet.

i will go back to that time..if not 100% then at least90% ..
i will not lurk around and spend my time on doing something creative or at least even mundane. it will be better than having any unreal expectations of being a happy person or having true friends online because i m a loner and will always be ..

conclusion. stop fb

and @OP you can at least devout less time to fb if you want as someone said its a time waster!


Well-known member
I only keep mine to stay in touch with certain friends and family, but I hate how people feel that clicking "like" on your statuses and posts is enough when it comes to communication :/


Well-known member
I only keep mine to stay in touch with certain friends and family, but I hate how people feel that clicking "like" on your statuses and posts is enough when it comes to communication :/

Great point. I think Facebook socially retards people. Some, even believe that they're in a committed relationship and they've never met the other person. And, I also hate how people can't type a complete freak;n sentence. It also brings out the immaturity in people.


Well-known member
Well I close mine recently and its not because I hated it but I just dont have real friends to add. But for you OP, I understand what you mean.


I don't like facebook. I created an account for coupon purposes only. It just reminds me of how different I am than most people. Watching everyone socializing, having a good time with friends just makes me more depressed. I felt the same way when MySpace was popular. Everyone had an account but me.


Active member
I've deactivated my account before - it was for a week, I think. It did feel liberating, as in I didn't feel the need to be constantly in the know with what's happening with everyone else.

Right now, I'm currently in Facebook "incognito mode", as in friends think I haven't been online posting things or on to chat. They think I'm dead on that site, when really I am "on" (secretly anyway). I only use facebook to message/chat with my boyfriend and to read some friend updates. I don't look at my newsfeed at all, because I'm done looking at people showing off and the constant bombardment of religious and political posts.