Internet Addiction


Well-known member
can i ask this of you though, if frittering away your time on the net is more enjoyable then spending time with your partner then why are you even together? i don't see the point there. Atleast you have someone to knock around with is my point.

It's not more enjoyable. Addiction isn't something you do because it's fun; you do it because you're addicted to it.


Well-known member
I'm thinking about going completely offline for the month of April. Gotta give myself a little time to build up to it. I'm nervous!


Well-known member
Not a bad idea Marie. I would like to do that myself, focus on all the off-line projects I have.


Well-known member
Not a bad idea Marie. I would like to do that myself, focus on all the off-line projects I have.

I figure one month is long enough to see results, but not so long that I freak out and think the internet is going to implode without my presence on it. And yeah, I have a ton of offline projects that could use some serious attention.


Well-known member
I know it's bad because I actually sleep with my tablet now. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night laying on top of it! Yikes. It's become an addiction. I watch ASMR videos on Youtube every night. They are so very relaxing but I'm becoming dependent on them. So tonight I am putting the tablet in another room and I'm going to bed sans internet. I'm already worried about laying there with racing thoughts because I won't have the internet to distract me. This is getting SAD!


Well-known member
I was one of the people doing the no internet challenge for two weeks.
I didn't really manage to do it properly though. For the first days I managed to stay away from the computer most of the day, but I eventually went back to the internet around 19h30.
Monday I bought two books, one for university and "The Power of Now", as suggested in some other thread. I've been occupying my afternoons with reading that book, studying and playing sudoku. I really can't find anything else to do.
As the week went on I started once again dedicating less and less time to reading and studying and more time to the internet. Yesterday I was already back to my old habits of no studying and no reading. I was already back at wasting my whole time on the internet.

As I'm starting the second week, I will try to get myself back on track again. I know that technically I've already failed the challenge but still, this isn't just a challenge I'm doing to entertain myself.


Well-known member
I was one of the people doing the no internet challenge for two weeks.
I didn't really manage to do it properly though. For the first days I managed to stay away from the computer most of the day, but I eventually went back to the internet around 19h30.
Monday I bought two books, one for university and "The Power of Now", as suggested in some other thread. I've been occupying my afternoons with reading that book, studying and playing sudoku. I really can't find anything else to do.
As the week went on I started once again dedicating less and less time to reading and studying and more time to the internet. Yesterday I was already back to my old habits of no studying and no reading. I was already back at wasting my whole time on the internet.

As I'm starting the second week, I will try to get myself back on track again. I know that technically I've already failed the challenge but still, this isn't just a challenge I'm doing to entertain myself.

This is one of my weakness.
You did what you can do..internet addiction is tough.
You cant expect miracles.

It went well for you on the 1st day.
Thats something to be proud.
Its easy to fall back into rountine if you spend much time will feel desire to use internet.
Its difficult to resist the urge.
What i do is to tell myself that i will complete this task and then use net.
It works sometimes and sometimes not.

Good luck for the next week


Well-known member
Yesterday, I was very productive: did a lot of de-cluttering, putting stuff away, throwing stuff out, no internet until the evening. Then I stayed up half the night chatting and posting and Skyping and stuff. Now I'm back for more, jabbing at my arm with an ethernet cable, trying to find a good vein. Perhaps it's time for me to take a nice, long break.
Yesterday, I was very productive: did a lot of de-cluttering, putting stuff away, throwing stuff out, no internet until the evening. Then I stayed up half the night chatting and posting and Skyping and stuff. Now I'm back for more, jabbing at my arm with an ethernet cable, trying to find a good vein. Perhaps it's time for me to take a nice, long break.

Good that you were productive though. Even if it didn't last, it's a positive thing nonetheless!

I've been the same lately, not really on the computer much until the evening - I just check my email and everything here and there during the day but that's about it. Evening computer time doesn't seem to be causing me any problems lately.


Well-known member
My self-imposed internet hiatus is drawing frighteningly near. I have mixed feelings about the whole thing. I feel so dependent on the internet. I feel like nothing that I do during April will matter unless I come back and tell everyone about it. That seems so wrong to me.
In some ways, I wish I could stop right now, but I haven't quite built myself up to that point yet. Tomorrow I will be finding a place to store my laptop so it will be out of sight and hopefully out of temptation's reach.
I know that I should have been weaning myself off the internet for the past week or two, but instead I have done the opposite: starting several new threads, staying up way too late at night chatting, getting in as much internet browsing as I can, for reasons that are unknown to me. I should be slipping away quietly and unnoticed, but instead I have been talking about it on here and on facebook, making a big deal about it, I guess in a last ditch attempt to get noticed before I slip back into obscurity.
I so want to get away but I feel so tied down to this computer.
Ugh ugh ugh.


Well-known member
If you don't feel comfortable talking to anyone from real life about this I think it's normal to feel that urge to come back and tell your internet friends all about how you succeeded (or not).

I know how you feel about doing the opposite of what you should actually be doing as I'm going through something similar (both with usage of computer/internet and other things like studying).

It sort of feels like something you have to do but you can't do it. I feel like getting away from all this, just go to a quiet house in the middle of nowhere and sort everything out: get healthy routines, spending the day doing things instead of mindlessly passing the time, etc.
It's not something I can do at the moment though so it has been troubling me for a while now. I don't really know what I'm supposed to do.


Well-known member
It sort of feels like something you have to do but you can't do it. I feel like getting away from all this, just go to a quiet house in the middle of nowhere and sort everything out: get healthy routines, spending the day doing things instead of mindlessly passing the time, etc.
It's not something I can do at the moment though so it has been troubling me for a while now. I don't really know what I'm supposed to do.

"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived."

Henry David Thoreau


Well-known member
I feel like I am not living.

I made this my wallpaper image on my laptop, just to remind me every time I open it...
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Well-known member
It's hard. For me the internet is like filling in a void. Like any addiction, you don't really get pleasure from it, but you can't do without either.

I myself am seriously considering joining a club or something. Maybe a Buddhist meditation class or something similar. Sometimes days go by with me doing nothing but browsing the web, feeling miserable and frustrated and locked in my room. And it makes me not want to go out and meet people as well. I need some positive human contact outside of my job and get out of these stupid self-destructive habits. I find that my "friends" are pretty much worthless also and rarely ever take initiative to go do something fun. Time to expand my social circles.
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Roman Legion

Well-known member
If you recall last summer, I tried to give up all video games and internet usage, I failed because I was unable to find an escapsim of equal and adequate potency to compensate for my awful life. I wish I could get over my addiction, but I simply can't, no matter how hard I try. Now my college work has fallen far behind.