I would be perfectly happy right now if.......


Well-known member
To think that my second posting on this thread I still want the same thing, enough money to never have to work ever again

Yep, I'm working toward the day when my student loans are paid off, and I can become self-employed to pay my modest living expenses. (That's my ten-year plan)


Well-known member
When I see people that say they enjoy working, I automatically think they have a mental disorder. They have to be slaves for at least eight hours a day and they actually enjoy it. There is no job in the world that I would enjoy. When I tell people that, they can't comprehend it.

It is perfectly possible.. Some people enjoy a very challenging and varied job that requires different tasks all the time, such as a project manager or a trade show coordinator. If you have your own market stall selling stuff you made and it's going well, of course you are going to enjoy it and get high on your own success. Architects who design and make new creations one after another must get a lot of satisfaction. I know that if I went into this profession, as I understood myself to be good in tech drawing and attention to detail, then I would enjoy it immensely. I think perhaps you have a narrow perception of what all jobs are like given your idea of a particular type of job.

Canis lupus

Well-known member
If I could buy my own place, preferably a bit secluded, with a garden and a few pets. Unfortunately the house market here is so ridiculously expensive someone alone can't afford it. You need about 150000€ saved up before you have a chance at a decent house.

Roman Legion

Well-known member
If humanity would just end so I can live in a world without people and be free and never care about having an insanely high negative bank balance or being cheated by others and systems people have created that do not work.. If I could have entire control of my future rather than a BS system controlling it for me by being born into a poor social class.
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