I wish...


Well-known member
I wish I could move out of my parents' house and actually feel like I have control over my life and my self, and not have to be convinced that I can't do things by myself.

I wish I could figure out what I really wish for. Do I really want friends or do I want to shy away from all opportunities? What do I want for my future, do I even want a future? Stuff like this.

I know how you feel I feel exactly the same way, I hate feeling like I can't do things by myself. And I'm constantly fighting between wanting a future and being too scared and then not even wanting one :/


Well-known member
I wish I could go back in time and live with my parents while they were alive and I had a home.


Well-known member
I wish i could give my wife everything she deserves. If she married me for money she sure got the wrong guy...


Well-known member
I wish i could give my wife everything she deserves. If she married me for money she sure got the wrong guy...

I think you have given her everything she wishes for, even if you don't know it. I mean, as long as you give her love and respect, I think that's all she wants and could ever need. If she wanted money, I don't think that she'd be by your side right now, don't you think? Have faith in yourself because that person that you really are is the one she fell in love with and married.


Well-known member
... I was playing Twister.
coyote has a playmate!

I wish we all lived in the same town(no bubbly,snotty,extroverts allowed)
all the fun things we could do!
We'd all shyly ignore each other. ::p:

I wish i could give my wife everything she deserves. If she married me for money she sure got the wrong guy...
I think she's already done good. I would go on further, but Deadman has already explained it much better than I could. He's a wise man. :)


Well-known member
I wish I had done more spelunking before white nose syndrome came to the midwest. ::(: Even better, I wish they would find a cure.


Well-known member
...I had more courage and self-belief
Yeah, same.

...that school had taught me meaningful lessons, such as 'how to live a life'
You know, as soon as I read this, I was reminded of one of the best Cracked articles I have ever had the pleasure of reading:

The 10 Most Important Things They Didn't Teach You In School | Cracked.com

I can relate to just about all of them. There really needs to be lessons in school about life.

Lesson 1: Maths
Lesson 2: How To Not Blow All Your Damn Money On Roulette
Lesson 3: What To Do When You're Sad (And It Happens To Everyone)
Lesson 4: Geography
Lesson 5: Common Courtesy And How To Use It For People Who Should Already Know
Lesson 6: Working Lots Will Give You Lots Of Money But You Need To Enjoy Things, Too
Lesson 7: You Are Going To Die: Tips To Deal With It
Lesson 8: Science

EDIT: Also this: http://www.cracked.com/blog/5-things-they-never-told-us/


Well-known member
I wish I could peacefully meet people without having to feel nervous, afraid
I wish to be more self confident
I wish I didn´t feel so empty, meaningless and sad
I wish the mysterious infection would go away from my body
I wish I didn´t have a huge student loan to pay off
I wish the yellow cat is okay
I wish my dog is okay living there without me
I wish my father was well and healthy
I wish I had met my grandparents