I want a date !


Well-known member
I'm exactly the same as you. There's no real need to feel pressured into having sex ever. When I was around 21-22 I was starting to feel sorry that I was still a virgin, but after that I pretty much got over it and I don't really care anymore. My friends care more than I do.

I do know what you mean about affection, though. There's times where I've wanted to hug someone but that's never been available, as with you with the holding hands. It's not nice but it is what it is.

I hope that you find a guy who will be understanding of all of that!

Yeah. Sometimes the crave for showing affection gets so bad that you'd give anything just to get to hug somebody and it drives you crazy. Sometimes it feels so bad to never get to be in physical contact with anyone. If you get to shake hands with someone you meet for the first time in some formal situation, even that feels really special. Kind of hard to explain, but did my best.

It's gonna prove to be really hard finding someone who would completely understand - if not impossible. I somehow believe my soulmate is out there somewhere, but how in the world could I ever find him?


Well-known member
I'm exactly the same as you. There's no real need to feel pressured into having sex ever. When I was around 21-22 I was starting to feel sorry that I was still a virgin, but after that I pretty much got over it and I don't really care anymore. My friends care more than I do.

I do know what you mean about affection, though. There's times where I've wanted to hug someone but that's never been available, as with you with the holding hands. It's not nice but it is what it is.

I hope that you find a guy who will be understanding of all of that!

I am bachelor number 1, if you're into Australian guys in their mid-20's. :)

^This. Being a virgin isn't some stigma for me since nobody will ever know unless I tell them and that means that I also won't be appearing on these talk shows with women saying that I am the father of their child::p:. The sensations felt during sex are nice and all, but, me personally, I would much rather experience the surge of feelings brought about by a hug or holding hands. It's just.... wow! You can't really put it into words and lasts so much longer! I care more about the fact that no one loves me like "that" rather than I can't have sex.

On a completely unrelated note though, how many bachelors are allowed? Socially anxious boy hunters? Oh, I've got to see this! This is going to be so much fun:D!


Well-known member
the trouble is that the personality that many men seem to display when attempting to get a girl to date them is precisely the type of personality that many woman find repugnant

so the advice to "just be yourself" in this case means to stop the whole guy-on-the prowl crap and forget about "dating" women, and instead just act like you're meeting people

it usually works better

Yes, I agree that just trying to meet the women instead of trying to hit on them is a better strategy. It's best to show interest in them as a person, not as a sex object. I get all that.

What I was saying is that that isn't the issue for most shy guys like me. The issue is because we are either too afraid to talk to the women, too afraid to approach them, don't have any friends, or just plain don't know what to say to the women.

My problem isn't that I want to get a date. My problem is that my shyness is impeding me from talking to anybody, men or women, especially women. I'm saying it's more of a general social problem with me communicating with everyone.


Well-known member
My problem isn't that I want to get a date. My problem is that my shyness is impeding me from talking to anybody, men or women, especially women. I'm saying it's more of a general social problem with me communicating with everyone.

in that case, i would say the goal would be to work on that issue

and not worry about the whole dating thing right now

you have to learn to walk before you can run


Well-known member
in that case, i would say the goal would be to work on that issue

and not worry about the whole dating thing right now

you have to learn to walk before you can run

What if I've had way more friendships in my life than g/f's? In my case I've had one g/f, and over 10 friends before.

What I'm trying to say is that I've already experienced the whole friendship thing a decent amount of times, but I've been deprived of a decent girlfriend relationship.

I have had long-term success with friends before, and I know I can do that. I've never had long-term success with a girlfriend before.

I'm 27 right now, and not getting any younger. I want to experience the second part of life, love. I've already done the friendship part.


Well-known member
I never had male friends, not that I wouldn't have wanted to have. I would've preferred male friends over female friends. I don't really know, I always felt like I would've had a lot more in common with many of the boys I met in my life, but never was there a friendship formed.


Well-known member
i never went on a date , that sounds really scary to me , i had a couple of girlfriends but it always started with a good friendship , then just becoming addicted to each other , to me that's how it has to happen , i can only be with someone if i feel really good with her


Well-known member
In my entire 22+ years on this planet, I've yet to go on a single date. I wouldn't be surprised if I never do.


Active member
I want a date, too. ::(: I've only had one chance for a date in my entire life and I blew it. He asked me out 2 times - the 1st time I ignored only the question (we were texting and emailing each other most of the time since we didn't go to the same school) and the 2nd time I started ignoring him. Why did I do that is a question still left unanswered.
And now here I am ... I'm so desperate that sometimes I just want to walk up to a random guy and ask him if he can hug me just for a few seconds. I'd never do that, of course, but I really crave being touched. I'd just skip the date and go straight to holding hands, hugging, cuddling, sleeping together (literally sleeping together, not having sex - my libido is nonexistent atm) ... I'll just make myself a "free hugs" sign and then hugging random guys won't look that weird. Hahha, who am I kidding. I think it's time for me to start buying cats.


Well-known member
I don't want any dates... all y'all gals can take the blind dates my extended family keep setting up for me if you want them.



Well-known member
Lets just all steal Weirdy's dates

and some of her cash >:]

But Weirdy's a girl; I mean, unless you're into that (not that there's anything wrong with that, mind you.).

Hey! I am totally against assaulting a lady! Especially a lady as pretty as her;)! Sir, I now throw down the gauntlet:rolleyes:! Prepare thyself for a trouncing of the most painful and humiliating order:rolleyes:!
Yea I don't think I've ever really been on a date either...wait no twice I have. The whole thing is nerve wrecking and awkward and uncomfortable. I don't enjoy it.