>Living in a (pardon the expression)
crapsack city that's both abandoned and dead due the whole
war thingy that's so popular these days, having to
constantly check
websites to know which parts of the city avoid or outright dont leave home that day, crime at every corner, witnessing
gunfights and witnessing people corpses hanging from bridges, limbs and heads thrown around the city (ew), having to rush back home when the sun starts to set, worried you'll be caught in a fight between military and criminals, where even "innocent children" will murder you, cut your fingers off, torture you for money that authorities have to respond like if the child criminal
was an adult. Where you can't coun't on ANYONE who isn't the army in person, or horrible things will happen.
I'm sorry, when I was 15 I
might've agreed with you, but these days I realize you can only count on 3: You, Yourself, and Your Being. While in this forum I'm glad we can count on each other and share our problems, one shouldn't say "hey, X-Person is having it worse". Because you're not X-Person. You're you. You can
feel empathy for X-Person, or pity even. Try to help him. But one's own problem's are one's to deal with directly.
Maybe because this country made me loose hope on most people, that I realized the bad way one had to keep some ego and self-love and self-respect because no one else will care as much as you do for yourself.
Such are my thoughts on this matter. I meant no offence, but if this topic is being touched, I am willing to speak my mind
... *Siiigh* Cue self-guilt.