How often do you cry?


Well-known member
The last time I can remember crying was like 10 years ago. That was the saddest I've ever been though so that's probably why it sticks in my mind. I woke up crying once from a bad dream in that time I think, which was weird, but it was just a few tears. :'(


Well-known member
Maybe a few times a week or so. Usually at least once a day I'll have kind of a mopey spell and sometimes I'll cry a little bit. Maybe just a few tears. Sometimes I'll cry for quite a while. If I'm miserable and keeping a lot of emotions bottled up, then often something seemingly minor sets me off and I'll break down crying about it and anything else that's been bothering me.


Well-known member
Every now and then I get a single tear, mostly at night in bed when I'm thinking of my situation.
Discounting the toddler years and the very early years, I'd say about two or three times. Once was when my mother had her second stroke and my father had an accident on the same night. Once was when I was really depressed due to a number of things, especially being humiliated daily at work.

I sometimes get misty eyed when I passionate about something or watching a really touching movie. But I don't cry often. If I'm down, I usually try and find something to do, usually gaming.
I cry alot, it happens to me like.. every week?
Also when I see a sad movie or hear a sad song, i can cry easily.
I'm really emotional.
I feel like crying right now. I don't belong anywhere. I'm sick of feeling like I'm the only one of my kind in the entire world... But I don't cry. Guys never do that right? Unless it's valid.


Well-known member
I haven't cried in years. I think the last time must've been when I was a child.

I've gotten a little misty-eyed at times when reading books or watching movies. It usually happens when there's a child involved. Like in The Road, at the end, or in Song of Susannah... It's never happened in "real life" though. I think because I have a tendency to really dramatize fiction sometimes and I get all caught up in my head. Real life pales in comparison to the extremes my mind can imagine!


Well-known member
I haven't reaaaally cried in a couple months, I think. There was a point where I must have been doing so just about every night. But that passed.
I think the last time I cried was about 6 months ago. Though the last time I cried in front of people was probably when I was a toddler...
i cry a lot. is that bad? i mostly cry when i'm angry or sad. especially when i go to bed cuz i remember the crappy stuff that's happened to me durin' the day...::(: