How much time do you spend on the computer per day?


Well-known member
It really depends. Some days I'm barely on or not at all and other days I'm on too much. It can get addicting but I love my pc. My friends live in there. ::p:


Well-known member
All day every day really, more since i'm on holiday and when i usualy have things to do i can't be on the pc!
It gets boring, i just end up refreshing the same old web pages time after b***** time! and check for new posts on forums. >.<

Oh the life i lead *sighs*
Usually all day long. 8-9 hours sleep, some rutine and cooking and sitting at computer. Except when I'm staying at my parents home, then I'm sitting much less, sometimes I don't even turn on computer, because there is always a lot of work to do.


Well-known member
More than I'd like to. =/ Come this upcoming school year, though, I won't be spending too much time on it because I will be taking 18 credit hours (6 classes), and will need to put full concentration on my homework.
Probably 12 hours. Basically any time I'm not out for a walk, eating something too messy to want to get in the keyboard, getting groceries, fetching the mail, or the like. It's not an addiction or a problem -- I simply don't have anything else to do, all my friends are online, I don't have a TV, and I work online.
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