How much time do you spend on the computer per day?


Well-known member
Basically, when I'm not at school, sleeping, or cooking, I'm on the computer. It's what I default to when something else isn't going on. The only exceptions are when friends invite me out. I don't even remember the last time I actually initiated anything with my friends - I'm not sure how they can stand it, but I'm lucky that they can.


Well-known member
I spend more time looking at my screen then at real life.

I know the feeling. After awhile, everything starts to take on that screen look and you start to wonder what's real. I wonder how much worse it will have to get before it tips over into full blown delirium...

♥ sweet kiss ♥

Active member
Oh wow~geeez idk maybe from the time I get off work until I go to bed. Thats maybe 7 to 8 hours...........Thinking about that is making me sad now......
i'd also say pretty much all day with breaks for eating, reading, watching t.v and stuff, but must of the time i'm online, yeah.

it's gonna stop pretty soon though cause i'm going to the army (girls in israel... ::(:), so...


Well-known member
I spent 5 years doing nothing but sitting in front of the computer and chatting online. When I got out of that stupor I realized it was hell disguised as something sweet. Now I spend less than 4 hours on it probably though there are days when I relapse and sit on my ass all day like a vegetable in front of the PC.


Well-known member
About four hours a day on average, what with work and all. I just get too restless these days to sit around for longer. Even computer games don't hold the appeal they once did.


Well-known member
I used to be completely addicted to MMO games on the computer. I had an online friend and we both used to be the same, and used to play the games together, all day every day. That was pretty bad.

Nowadays I can't stay interested in a computer game for more than a week (compared to maybe 6 months on some MMOs, before.)

I still use the internet a lot though, visiting places like this and shopping, etc. I'd say I'm on here maybe 4 hours a day now. Much better than the 12-14 of a few years ago!


Well-known member
All day - when Im not at work or sleeping.

I've tried not being on for about a day, where I did a lot of other stuff, and that was actually great and made me positive... But why am I back? All these things you can have done like cleaning and stuff... But it's just not interesting - it still makes you feel good though. I think it's just about laziness...


Active member
at least 7 hours a day. I have got my internet at home disconnected but I can still use the wireless internet in the library of my school.