How much socialization do you need?


Well-known member
Hey guys. I was wondering. How much do you usually spend in a given week socializing with others. By socializing, I mean chewing the cud.


Well-known member
As much as I can do. Now that I talk more than I use to I realized just how bad off I was and still the need to social more. If you ever watch your coworkers like I have they talk way much more. There is never even for someone with SA.


Well-known member
Very little time. I´d like to socialize more, but usually when I try to do it more, it doesnt go well or I feel empty doing it. I get along with very few people.


Well-known member
I work full-time and while at work I make a little bit of small talk with the co-workers who sit around me and that's usually enough socialization for me, if I'm honest. Today was a pretty quiet day at work though, I just sat there listening to my iPod and working my day away and that was just fine for me. I don't need to be talking to people non-stop.


Active member
Not much.
I don't really talk to anyone on a daily basis. My mother and various relatives sometimes. Anyone else, depends on what I'm doing during the week and if I actually make myself available to talk/chat. Like before/after class or while I'm out and about, I usually listen to my ipod or have my nose stuck in a book and not many people disturb me (which is why I do it). I realize I need more, but it's all I can really stand to handle right now.

Plenty of people tell me I can't go on like that. Too much alone time is not good, but what do you do when you don't have anyone to talk to and you're too nervous/uncomfortable to talk to people you don't know?
When I'm on college, like two hours a day, usually less than that but a couple times more, but never really going out with anyone. On weekends, although I may go out to do my stuff, I usually do it alone, sometimes with my brother, but I live with him so that doesn't count for me. And now that I'll be on vacations for the rest of this month, I don't think I will socialize at all.

But about the question in the title of the thread, I would love to actually hang out offline with the people I chat with around 4 or 6 hours every day.


Well-known member
it really depends... I like people, but sometimes I can't hang out more (RL or online...), sometimes I prefer books and being on the computer, sometimes I prefer company... there needs to be a balance...

I think people have different needs for socialization & it's good to respect that :)


Well-known member
It usually depends on the week. Sometimes I don't socialize much, other weeks I socialize more than I want.

As for actual need, I really don't need to socialize excessively. Yeah, there are days where I crave to talk to someone, or more than one person, but usually I'm fine just being by myself.


Well-known member
"How much socialization do you need?"
Alot. More then I am am getting, sadly.

"How much do you usually spend in a given week socializing with others?"
Not much, unless I am at home. When I'm at home I seem to talk my most and enjoy being with my family. But I feel very restricted when it comes to talking to people at school..


Well-known member
Outside of family? I talk to my teachers and one guy at school but on the weekends and other non-school hours I don't talk to anyone besides family.


Well-known member
More than I'm comfortable with.

I find it necessary but difficult.

That, exactly :) I love having people around me and I feel incomplete when sitting at home alone. Being lonely is one of my biggest fears in life. Every second of my time has to be filled out so that I don't end up alone. Unfortunately, that is not possible for me.

However, I have some rare days that I'm just tired and like to sit at my house for a few hours, just spending a little time with myself. Reading books, thinking, listening to music... After a while I feel lonely though.


Well-known member
More than I'm comfortable with.

I find it necessary but difficult.
Aletheia with the wise words once more. This is basically me, too.

I find I'm getting less interested in small talk as I get older so holding a conversation like that bores me and makes me want to exit. Since that is mostly what happens, I'm socialising too much, even though it's not enough by social standards.


Well-known member
I don't spend much time socializing at all. Truthfully, I don't really need or want to, either. About once or twice a week, I'll chat with somebody online (and it's usually the same person). I'll go out with a friend every few months or so. Other than that, it's just brief conversations with family and co-workers. Sometimes I think I should force myself to go out a little more, but my life is so uneventful that I'll run out of things to talk about pretty quick anyway. Usually, I prefer to spend time alone. When I do have to attend any sort of social gathering, I feel so out of place. Most of the time, I don't even wish to be able to socialize the way everybody else is. I'd prefer to simply not be there.


Well-known member
I interact with my mom and brother most days.
Probably an average of half an hour per day.

My therapist would like me to try talking on the phone with family members or 'friends' on a weekly basis to practice my verbal communication skills.
So, that's a start. (if I could get over my fear of phones and actually do it)
Can't say how much 'socialization' I would need to be considered normal/to feel more normal... I've no idea.
I think I'm okay sometimes talking over the internet- but it's all non-verbal communication, no face to face interaction and no real connection.


Well-known member
In truth not much at all. I'm an introvert at heart and like nothing more than indulging in my art work, exercising, internet etc. I want the best of both worlds though as i would like an occasional social encounter. I just find the idea of having to devote time to socialising time consuming and taxing.


Very little. I'm an introvert by nature. I get in some chit-chatting at work and I try to grab dinner with a friend once or twice a week. Otherwise, I'd probably forget how to talk at some point. Hah.