
Active member

i totally feel horrible about myself at the moment. i dont wanna go into details, but i had to work 2nite and my job involves alot of social interaction, and i just felt like every1 thought i was weird, awkward,clumsy,stupid, and ridiclous because i felt that all eyes were on me. so yea, i feel like locking myself in my room forever! :cry:


Well-known member
well its really hot here right now so im going hot.
and i guess it always good to be honest...i'm feeling horny.
and i sort of feel optimistic about things although that can turn to pessimism in seconds. hope ur doing well.


Well-known member
That's a good question actually.

I mean, I know sometimes I feel better than other times, etc, but I never really took note of how I've been feeling during the day during a span of weeks or months. Maybe it will help me to understand WHY I'm experiencing those negative emotions and doing something about them instead of just going through the same ol' drill.

Like, do I feel depressed about my life X amount of hours during the day? After I finish my homework, chores, personal reading, etc, how do I spend my time and energy? Do I spend my spare time feeling regretful and depressed about my past, as opposed to using that time to deal with those issues? Maybe if I replace one of those hours of feeling depressed with one hour per day of doing something to help me become more social, it will make a difference down the road.

I think I'm going to have a separate diary for a while, just to record how I am feeling throughout the day. I might do it for a month and I'll summarize it at the end so I can help to evaluate my life and help myself get through my depression.

Oh and BTW, now I'm feeling: A little bored and I do notice a lingering feeling of depression and frustration that I seem to have throughout much of the day. A sort of a: "why me, why SA so long? I thought I'd be ok by now, at age 22" feeling. Pretty messed up.


Active member
right now I am worried because my eye has twitched several times tonight, and I am crazy and neurotic and now I'm worried that it will happen from now on and that people will notice it and it will be another thing that sets me apart and keeps me from being perceived as normal.


Staff member
brilliant thread!

deflated, isolated and cast out

monday morning blues basically


Staff member
I've been so bored since I had my accident, just wanna go back to work, surely I could just sit on a chair and make coffee :D


Well-known member
fat, i always feel like i'm 1 ton after eatng, its guilty.

i'm feeling really bored and tired - suposed its just a monday things, somewhat upset with my work and with a little urge to keep away from people (but i'm not letting it happen ;)


Well-known member
Remus said:
I've been so bored since I had my accident, just wanna go back to work, surely I could just sit on a chair and make coffee :D

What happened? Was it a serious accident?

Right now I'm hating myself, last week I was happy and determined to go back to university but now I feel so anxious about it I'm considering postponing it.


Active member
I feel sad and useless.
They kind of aggravate each other, too.
I feel decaffeinated to, so I'm going to go self caffeinate. :p 8O


Staff member
misterF said:
Remus said:
I've been so bored since I had my accident, just wanna go back to work, surely I could just sit on a chair and make coffee :D

What happened? Was it a serious accident?

had a shelf collapse in a big fridge and got crushed by 80 litres of milk cartons, injured my neck and head and left me with extreme pain and a balance problem, injury is gradaully healing but my social life and everything else is like almost zero, not that it was good before. I'm feeling though the next few months it is going to improve, physically that is.


Well-known member
hey remus, that sucks. hope you feel better soon.

right now i would be feeling great if i didn't have to be in class at 8am. i should be asleep so i feel a little guilty and frustrated that i can't sleep. tomorrow morning will be a drag. oh well. i feel great physically.