^^lol just let it go it happens all the time :)

Right now I'm actually really happy sittin here surfin the web, listenin to mucis and talkin on msn :)


Well-known member
shit,angry,not depressed at mo cuz back on medication,empty,lifes a real drag,that fukin big black cloud following me everywhere,,,,,,,sorry guys :(


Active member
At the moment I feel really angry that I can't be a confident outgoing person, who doesn't care about other people's opinions, so I have the motivation to get out there, make friends and start making something of myself with my music.

I'm also pissed off that I've got to leave the flat today to hand in an application form for a job, and go shopping coz my cupboards are empty, when its cold, grey, windy and raining outside :x
I feel pretty good right now, because I managed to make a phone call today to stop an incorrect bill. Just posting to balance out the self-selection effect.


Well-known member
^^ awesome! :D

actually i'm feeling the same. it's the best i've felt in years...well last november was great too...something about novembers :? but i talked to someone i've been trying to talk to for 2 yrs and we've talked 3 times in the last week including today. i should be ecstatic but i think i bore her. she leaves after like 15 mins. but i think it's cuz we are just talking about general stuff and not what we really want to talk about. but i'm going to hopefully change that the next time...


Well-known member
My works holiday party is on December 6th, and we just got the invitations for it, and I feel like I'm going to have a damn panic attack just thinking about it. I want to go, yet I don't want to go. I know a few people in my office, but the thing is that this party is going to be huge. The people I work with and the people in other areas of the company, people from two other of our offices, and everyone's guest. I am not bringing a guest, since I do not have a boyfriend or even a friend to bring. So I am going to be there having to awkwardly mingle by myself. Or awkwardly attempt to mingle, since my small talk skills are lacking and are basically nonexistent. Ahh, I'm seriously gonna have a panic attack just thinking about it.

A girl I work with asked me today if I RSVPed and I said "not yet," as my face turned bright red. I didn't even say anything about my not having a date, but she said something about how she put "to be determined" for her guest's name, if that made me feel any better.

I really don't want to go. Yet a tiny part of me does. Yet I don't want to go by myself. Yet I have no date to bring. hmmm, I don't know what to do, I'm freakin' out over this. I don't want to go very much, yet I almost feel sort of obligated to go.


Well-known member
PhantomPod said:
A girl I work with asked me today if I RSVPed and I said "not yet," as my face turned bright red. I didn't even say anything about my not having a date, but she said something about how she put "to be determined" for her guest's name, if that made me feel any better.
i think she was asking you out ;) :p jk.

you should go if YOU want to go...not cuz you feel obligated. if you think it would make you stressed and anxious...then why put yourself in that position? but if you would like the experience you should try and find someone. it would give you an excuse to ask a guy to go with you though. ;).

stupid story: yrs ago a worker in a different department was telling me we should go together to the xmas party and a co-worker was even telling me that she was asking me to it...but that's how stupid i was lol. :oops:. but i'm glad i didnt. i saw some pictures of it and saw that she was dancing and having a good time and i wouldnt have done that and wouldve been boring....


Well-known member
Haha, maybe she was. :lol:

I really do feel like I only want to go because I feel obligated. Like I get nervous about what people will say the following at Monday at work. Like, "where were you on Saturday!? It was great!" yeah, as if people would even notice that much or say anything about my not being there.

And it's like, I've been there before. Going to a big social gathering and I've been nervous, yet thought it would be a fun time (as everyone else seems to have fun), yet I was so anxious and awkward the whole time and barely talked to anyone, that I just felt like crap afterwards and didn't even enjoy myself.

I just want to spend my Saturday watching TV, movies, and playing video games, damnit! It's so strange how I feel pressured to be social or something, yet I would be perfectly content just sitting home by myself. Though there's still that damn part of me that just wants to be a social butterfly and have a good time.

Aww lol, that's nice that she seemed to be asking you in a roundabout way. Don't feel bad, I'd prob miss that hint too. lol. And I seriously have no one to go with. Like I don't really even have an acquaintance who I could ask to be my "date" for the night. (I don't even know if I could ever gather the courage to ask a guy out!) Everyone at my work seems to have a damn boy friend or girl friend too. All I hear is people talking about their significant others, while I'm sitting there thinking like, "oh, cool, yeah, no, I can't relate to you at all when you talk to me about dating."


Well-known member
PhantomPod said:
Haha, maybe she was. :lol:
lol problem solved 8)

wow i'm having an sa moment (mind blank lol). i get that when pple talk (write a lot). actually i had to go eat dinner...starved :p.

but yeah i know what you mean. why should we have to please others or do stuff we dont have any interest doing? why cant we just stay home and do stuff by ourselves dammit lol. what you said sounds a lot better than going to some party.

all i'm saying is if you have someone you should go...if you dont then dont. wish i could help you with where to find guys to ask but i have no idea. but you shouldnt worry about asking a guy out if you know of someone though.

dang i feel pathetic i cant think of what to say after you wrote all that lol :oops: sorry i didnt say or help you more...youre probably better off lol.


Well-known member
Haha, aww, don't worry about not knowing what to say. I was basically just rambling trying to get everything off my chest so I could go to sleep last night. lol. Or, well, I tend to type a lot anyway. I'm long winded on paper and on the computer. Now if only I could transfer that to conversations...!

But yeah, I'll have to decide for sure whether or not I want to go. Sometimes I don't feel like it, but then last minute I will get a burst of courage and want to go. So I may just RSVP for one, in case I decide I want to go.


Active member
I'm feeling really good today :D

Shame I've got to go down the town. So much frigging stuff to do... shopping, go speak to someone at the bank, go speak to someone at the council, go hand in an application form, go get my passport off my sister, gonna be a loooooonnnggg day :(

Good to see people seem to be feeling more positive posting on here lately though