I am really really tired. and i just washed my hair so its a little wet and its making me cold. and im hungry and need to put some laundry away and and and.... all i wanna do is sleep :(

oh and im pissed off that i reached the maximum post limit on my other account. cause i had to log out of that one and come on this one cause i wanted to post on this topic, grrrrrrr


Well-known member

had a shelf collapse in a big fridge and got crushed by 80 litres of milk cartons, injured my neck and head and left me with extreme pain and a balance problem, injury is gradaully healing but my social life and everything else is like almost zero, not that it was good before. I'm feeling though the next few months it is going to improve, physically that is.[/quote]

That sucks! It's great that you think the next few month are going to be better though!


Well-known member
I'm quite frustrated and upset. My catering examiner just failed me on the last 3 assignments (gave me 0%) because she lost a previous assignment. She has a rule that every assignment after a missed assignment is 0% until the original assignment is turned in.... what a useless, uncompromising bitch :x

jschuley said:
right now I am worried because my eye has twitched several times tonight, and I am crazy and neurotic and now I'm worried that it will happen from now on and that people will notice it and it will be another thing that sets me apart and keeps me from being perceived as normal.
It sounds like you just need sleep and relaxation... it seems to me that many jerks and twitches are caused by fatigue combined with anxiety. Don't worry about it :D
I often end up talking like a drunk when I don't get enough sleep. I'll stumble over EVERY word in a sentence, slur my words so that the sentence is one long sound and forget what I'm talking about during each conversation... :(


Well-known member
Must be a day for feeling bad. I feel terrible too. Bored, alone, let down, targeted and trapped.


Well-known member
Today i'm tired and feel awful, keep replaying last night's events (went out the pub, so many awkward conversations & feel stupid for saying certain things, they probably think i'm a freak). Just want all this anxiety to dissapear tonight, want to wake up tomorrow and be normal.


miss_amy said:
Must be a day for feeling bad. I feel terrible too. Bored, alone, let down, targeted and trapped.
what about you and 2crowded? ;)

im mixed. i feel cautiously optimistic right now but that can change over night. something sort of good happened today and hopefully something better will happen tomorrow. otherwise the usual - depressed.


Well-known member
I'm fairly happy today. It's Halloween, it's Friday, my little sister is dressing up as a "circus hippo-trainer", and I'm going to try teaching her how to do a backflip on grass today... if I'm lucky we'll film some decent acrobatics in the awesome fall scenery :D

She'll come home from school, munching candy, and tell me about all the funny costumes her teachers wore and the comments she got on her own ... :lol:

+ it's my weight training day, yay endorphins and protein shakes


Well-known member
I feel depressed and lonely. I feel depressed because the girl i love is in another country :(

Yesterday and today at work i was really happy..I guess because i had people around me.


Active member
lonely might be a good way to describe my general feeling,
relieved is because people are reacting well to my mistake(with the video that hinted i was in love with a friend of mine)
anxious is because i'm going out tomorrow

btw, why angry


Well-known member
Angry because of certain co workers who are either jealous or just like to cause problems for me. The thing is i'm sure some of them have SA too or have similiar problems.

I swear there's a couple who are trying to get me fired and i don't know why, sure i don't get involved with lengthy conversations but i always say hi and try to be friendly (as hard as that is sometimes). Maybe now that i'm sticking up for myself it's no fun for them anymore to try and bully me, who knows.


Well-known member
Unappreciated and selfish for feeling that way.

I go out of my way to do things for people I know, and whilst it feels good to do something for others I'm wondering when someone will ever make that effort for me? :(


Well-known member
Primrose said:
Unappreciated and selfish for feeling that way.

I go out of my way to do things for people I know, and whilst it feels good to do something for others I'm wondering when someone will ever make that effort for me? :(

oh yes! That always makes me wonder what kind of people I'm dealing with. How do they perceive me? What is their take on the things that I've done for them? ...Has everything been insufficient to warrant notice? Do they care about me? Or are they just enjoying some benefits while quietly tolerating me?

I guess that that's how I start thinking in such a scenario. I definitely start feeling selfish for even caring what they do in return. Why should I help people in hopes of getting returns?..I really shouldn't


New member
i feel anxious cause i have a presention in class tomorrow... and i still haven't finished working on it yet. Do you ever feel so scared of sth that you don't even wanna work at it at all?

I hate presentations cause you have to think of what to say... etc and be creative. I just like classes where things are very structured, i guess.


Active member
pissed off coz sum girl replied really negativly to a comment i made, only trying to help,wot a bitch