How desirable do you think you are to the opposite sex?


New member
Hola! HoodooVoodoo's what I go by, and I don't want to sound narcissistic, but I consider myself a 9. However I'm more concerned about my appearance in the eyes of the same sex, which I'm a bit hazy on the number, probably in the middle to mid higher numbers of the spectrum I guess.


Well-known member
a 7 or 8 upon first glance, but drops 1 point a minute for each time i open my mouth (or not open my mouth)

Bullied Anonymous

Well-known member
The deep, deep negatives. Not only am I not appealing to the opposite sex, the opposite sex is actually offended by my presence. I would say -10.

Exactly the same. I can just feel my attitude deteriorating with age ,and I've given up the possibility of dating. For someone to be interested in me is unusual and usually for all the wrong reasons. -10 over here.


Well-known member
Depends on the days and how I feel about myself then. If I feel good about myself it will show on the outside. Then, I'd probably rank it around 7-8.
To be completely honest, I'd rank myself over +9000. So the real question is, how desirable does the person of opposite sex think she is to me?

lol jk.. seriuosly though, my self image has been steadily improving over the past year.. From thinking of myself being completely worthless to being pretty attractive, and for that I have to thank my friends for seeing in me what I couldn't see in myself.
To my boyfriend I'm off the charts ;)

Other than that, probably around a 3. Except online, then I think I'm somewhere around a 6 because I articulate myself much better in print than verbally/physically.
I'm about 10 points lower than this guy:



Well-known member
Most people here feel bad about themselves, so there is no wonder why they feel they are unattractive.

But it is really the eye of the beholder I think. One could be 1-2 for the one and of the charts for the other.
It's come undone

A Zero. Not depending on the days the days or anything, just that. I'm not going to go into the negatives, though it'd be nice for sure, I think zero is the lowest you can go already. I mean I see a 0% chance of desirability to anyone. I really don't don't care though. Atleast right now, it's not bothering me. Maybe it will later.