How desirable do you think you are to the opposite sex?


Well-known member
7-10, depending on taste, when the girl first sees me, and it's usually better if I'm around one of my friends, because then I'm outgoing and exciting. But it decreases steadily as they get to know me better, because my bad anxiety causes me to be anxious-avoidant, quiet, and (seemingly) lacking in personality.


Well-known member
You must have misunderstood the scale. Judging by your avatar, you could only be a 3 if lower numbers indicated a higher level of attractiveness. By anybody's standards, you are a very pretty girl.

I don't put "bad" pics up. Objects in avatar may not be as attractive in real life as they appear online.

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
I don't put "bad" pics up. Objects in avatar may not be as attractive in real life as they appear online.

Well unless there is some heavy Photoshopping at work, your avatar is of an attractive young woman, Miss Pookah, and I'm sure that is reflected in real life too.

I doubt you even take a bad pic. ;)


Well-known member
Usually, I feel like a 0...I know that's probably unrealistic, but I don't have any evidence to the contrary

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
you have to get the "Sexify" plug-in for Gimp

I don't think it's available for Photoshop, though

Oh but it is. Here's a picture of me that I just ran through it.


The only problem is that it seems to desaturate skin tones quite badly. I think it must still be in beta.


Well-known member
Considering how highly most girls value confidence, I'd have to be in the 2 or 3 range. Being effectively bald at the age of 23 doesn't help, either.

Alas, cruel fate.

Uber Schnitzel

Well-known member
Considering how highly most girls value confidence, I'd have to be in the 2 or 3 range. Being effectively bald at the age of 23 doesn't help, either.

Alas, cruel fate.

Doesn't have to be a bad thing, I know plenty of guys in their twenties going bald that the girls think are hot. It's all guessed it - confidence. My advice though keep it short. I myself am noticeably grey at the sides and I'm only 26. Used to get to me but not these days. Plus girls seem to love it.


Well-known member
I think its safe to say that the majority of people on these forums are their own worst critic, so of course you are going to get people saying "im a -636327345!" but remember that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, i once posted a pic of myself on one of those rating sites and after around 100 votes i was sitting at a 7.6 out of 10, was expecting around a 3 or 4 and hoping for a 5 or 6. Needless to say it gave me a bit of a confidence boost :)


if they're desperate, i could be a 6.
if they're picky, i could be a -9.
if we're compatible and he's serious, i could be an 8.
but idk.