How come your username?


Well-known member
Haha, I like how some of you have really personal and meaningful usernames, while I chose mine because...uh, well... huzzah is a fun word...? ::p:

Mr. S

Mine's not much special. About half of my teachers call me by my last name for some reason, including one that has the same last name as me! I won't be saying it for paranoia reasons... anyway I kinda like that, so I am Mr. S (my last initial). Not exactly a great username though...


not actually Fiona Apple
Could give you the short story but am going to give you the long one. One day I stumbled upon a website called Yahoo Answers. I made an account using my goto user name NIFTYDANDY (don't judge me...). I was 14 then and easily gat my account deleted. Made a new one, NIFTYDANDY12. Lasted a short time before deleted, was very upset because I didn't know why. Stayed off the site for a while until I heard a certain musician, Fiona Apple, (uug, not her again...) and couldn't find anything about her after 2005 online. I made an account with the only intent to ask one question about her. I needed a first and last name, so I picked the two coolest letters I could think of semi-randomly, V and J. The username vj was already taken, and the first alternative was vj288. I picked it, and since then I have used it to make every account everywhere. And if any of you are wondering about that Y/A account, I went on to answer 672 questions using it. (please don't look it up.)
Anti Matter wins over Matter. Or do they? I'm sure someone will put it to the test one day and the whole of north America or Europe will explode.


Well-known member
Many people would think me a conspiracy theorist on the lunatic fringe. I am in fact a conspiracy factist. I am always poring over different conspiracies, hence the binge.
Yeah, i'm not so sure about the Illuminati's direct influence. There may be shreds of their doctrines still in play but I think the Freemasons and the Bilderberg group are the ones to worry about. NWO here we come.

So I'm guessing you read about Ren le chateau, now to just find all of it's hidden treasure. Freemasons were sneaky bastards back in the day, as they are now.
Rennes-le-Chateau, la révélation

I love Mysteries.

Shepardess no temptation that Poussin Teniers hold the key peace 681 by the cross and the horse of God I complete this Daemon guardian at midday blue apples.

(Was found on a tombstone at Ren le chateau).

Figure out the use of Blue apples = Profit?
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Well-known member
Rennes-le-Chateau, la révélation

I love Mysteries.

Shepardess no temptation that Poussin Teniers hold the key peace 681 by the cross and the horse of God I complete this Daemon guardian at midday blue apples.

(Was found on a tombstone at Ren le chateau).

Figure out the use of Blue apples = Profit?

I love anagrams as well


Well-known member
I'm sure everyone can guess that my username was derived from Alice In Wonderland, which is my favorite fantasy novel by Lewis Carroll. I got the idea for my username after playing American McGee's pc game version of Alice in Wonderland, which is basically a much darker adaptation of Lewis Carroll's novel (and it's a video game which makes it more awesome~)

Anywho, I was trying to think of a username while signing up for IGN and the Alice game popped into my head. Rather than using the original title as a username, I figured why not make it sound more sinister to fit the atmosphere of the game? Thus, MaliceInWickedland was born and I've been using it for pretty much every site I've joined the last few years or so.
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Well-known member
Emerald from my favourite tea party song which i feel i can relate to the most... and Star from the lost boys.. one of my fav movies... 733... cause my lucky number is 7... and whenever i am on the right path in life spiritually or otherwise.. i always see the number 33 so i associate that with doing something right..;)


Well-known member
Obsessed in the fact I like the way is sounds and things within it, I never have learned it.
There is just something about latin... i don't know it... but i love hearing it... drives me a lil crazy to be honest lol.. in a good way.. damn i gotta learn it..
My username is ´´Flowergirlie´´ because my last name is ´´Bloem´´ and it means ´´Flower´´ in dutch.
and im a girl =)
