Not particularly great when I think about my relationship with my family. I guess confused sums it up, really.
Between being treat like crap if I don’t effing fall in line with no questioning why things are the way they are on the one hand. To being told,
“I’m the good son, brother, etc”, because I easier to talk to. Thought of highly n’ all that.
Yet, every time I ask a simple question or question that is trying make me understand why they act the way they do, I either get yelled at, laughed at or the silent treatment. Or, an answer that amounts to a non-answer...
But still I’m told, time n’ time again, that I’m the problem, I’m in the wrong for daring to ask why they act they the way they do towards me. Though, understanding that would mean finally getting why I’ve refused to participate in family gatherings since I was 16.