How are you feeling?


Well-known member
In pain. Torn the muscles in my ribs again, the same ones that I did at the start of the week. My own fault, moving furniture.
::(: Sorry to hear that, I hope you feel better soon!

Stupid furniture, everytime I need to move something big my back hurts. And I keep doing it again, I never learn hahaha


Well-known member
Cold, and anxious. The temperature really dropped today, after it being in the 70s all week. And I'm waiting for my brother's friend to pick me up so I can go home.

Hurry up!

Must. Leave. Now!


Well-known member
I have a mini heart attack everytime I see someone talking about temperature here.


Oh, okay, you were not in hell XD


Well-known member
I felt bad , a while ago , i did some power yoga and i feel at my best now , so exercise matters i guess . I always forget how good i feel after a workout.


Right now, not bad. I feel surprisingly content. Maybe it's the sleepiness starting to take over. I don't often feel content though. Worry and frustration and fear are the usual for me, unfortunately.

I feel I'm getting better with my anxiety though. For once I actually feel like a person who is worth something - as far as my relation to everyone else goes - much of the time. Certainly more than I did before. I'm gaining confidence. Not caring about what others think more than ever before. Realizing that they just don't matter when it comes to some things.

And if there are people who aren't interested in you, so what? Move on. Don't waste your time chasing them, it's a fruitless endeavor.
Frank Sinatra said:
I've got the world on a string, I'm sitting on a rainbow.

I, superfluouslyme, who bitched and moaned and bitched and moaned, when to my job interview and lived to tell about it. YAAAAAAAAAYY! It went well, I think. I was interviewed by three women very casually in the waiting room of the spay/neuter clinic. They all had piles of papers and that freaked me out at first, but their questions where mostly the ones I was expecting. I was given a tour of the place. I'm taking that as a good sign. They had interviews scheduled for all day yesterday and today. I can't imagine they gave everyone a tour - that would have been quiet a lot of walking. I was nice, I tried to articulate my thoughts and feelings as best as I could. I didn't say anything majorly stupid that I remember. The debacle at my former job came up, and that was the thing I was most worried about. I hope they don't focus too much on that. The only bad thing was, somewhere along the line, I stepped in dog ****. And I borrowed a pair of my sister's shoes. And I didn't know it until after I got it all over the rug on my car. But I really, really don't care. Because I did it! :D


Well-known member
I, superfluouslyme, who bitched and moaned and bitched and moaned, when to my job interview and lived to tell about it. YAAAAAAAAAYY! It went well, I think. I was interviewed by three women very casually in the waiting room of the spay/neuter clinic. They all had piles of papers and that freaked me out at first, but their questions where mostly the ones I was expecting. I was given a tour of the place. I'm taking that as a good sign. They had interviews scheduled for all day yesterday and today. I can't imagine they gave everyone a tour - that would have been quiet a lot of walking. I was nice, I tried to articulate my thoughts and feelings as best as I could. I didn't say anything majorly stupid that I remember. The debacle at my former job came up, and that was the thing I was most worried about. I hope they don't focus too much on that. The only bad thing was, somewhere along the line, I stepped in dog ****. And I borrowed a pair of my sister's shoes. And I didn't know it until after I got it all over the rug on my car. But I really, really don't care. Because I did it! :D
^ Yay! Glad it went well! :)


Well-known member
I'm feeling pretty good today.:) I went to get a haircut and for some unknown reason I was able to muster some confidence. I sat there and looked in the mirror and I saw someone else. Gone was the guy who was unable to look at anything but the floor, or had watery eyes because he was always on the verge of crying, or had sweat beading on his forehead. He had been replaced with the real me, even with a bit of a smile on my face.
I was even able to talk to this attractive girl who was cutting my hair. We talked about the motorcycle I was rebuilding and she insisted that I ride it there to show her next time I get my hair cut. She asked if I had gone to this one concert that happened last week that I had planned on going to but I couldn't find anyone to go with me. Turns out the same thing had happened to her. I almost think this girl was into me. Maybe it was a bit of hint that she's single when she said she didn't have anyone to go to the concert with.
Once in a while I have these days without anxiety. I hope this feeling doesn't go away.


Well-known member
I'm feeling pretty good today.:) I went to get a haircut and for some unknown reason I was able to muster some confidence. I sat there and looked in the mirror and I saw someone else. Gone was the guy who was unable to look at anything but the floor, or had watery eyes because he was always on the verge of crying, or had sweat beading on his forehead. He had been replaced with the real me, even with a bit of a smile on my face.
I was even able to talk to this attractive girl who was cutting my hair. We talked about the motorcycle I was rebuilding and she insisted that I ride it there to show her next time I get my hair cut. She asked if I had gone to this one concert that happened last week that I had planned on going to but I couldn't find anyone to go with me. Turns out the same thing had happened to her. I almost think this girl was into me. Maybe it was a bit of hint that she's single when she said she didn't have anyone to go to the concert with.
Once in a while I have these days without anxiety. I hope this feeling doesn't go away.

Wow interesting story , i'm glad for you

you should get your hairs done more often haha , and bring that motorcycle next time !


Well-known member
Last nights wine didn't help.......
Feel really emotional but can't put my finger on why.
I'm struggling to cope, just want it to end.
Oh, and hungover, which won't help.


Well-known member
Disappointed, but feeling better than I was earlier. And despite being dead tired, I have a strange desire to be lurking here right now. And the slow uploading of a video has nothing to do with my fondness for all you people. Seriously. ;)

Though I'm not entirely sure if the feeling better is from listening to the soundtrack from The Pacific, or because I've been chugging Raisinets like a freshman at a frat party.