How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Thanks Dark Phoenix, I've had a few stories published online, in an e-anthology and in print. They aren't paying markets unfortunately. Dottie, the story will be in Antipodean SF, this will be my fourth story published there.


Well-known member
Melancholy and surreal. And I had a strangely beautiful dream. Is it not possible to just go back in and stay there for good? ::(:


Well-known member
I feel a bit disappointed about something, more determined about something else, a little glad and really hungry as I haven't had breakfast yet. ::p:


Well-known member
Flu has got me down a bit.


Well-known member
I feel not so bad. Life is much better than it was even 6 months ago so things are going rather great. Now to find that someone and I know the future will be awesome. :)


Well-known member
I feel really damaged inside by the way my anxiety has been misrepresented by people, some who don't even know me. The things I have overheard said about me have hurt me on a very deep level. How can I conue to hold any respect for these people? The things I enjoy have become fearful places for me to go now.


Well-known member
I feel really damaged inside by the way my anxiety has been misrepresented by people, some who don't even know me. The things I have overheard said about me have hurt me on a very deep level. How can I conue to hold any respect for these people? The things I enjoy have become fearful places for me to go now.

Man, I'm sorry to hear that. I'm in a similar position. I have people who hate me because of the way my anxiety has affected me. I'm not sure why, the only person it has affected is me, and I never allow it to influence anyone else. That's just people for you. you just can't please some people. :mad:


Well-known member
feeling pretty good. worked the past couple of days and it went well. i think i have worked in so many crappy jobs with coworkers i had little respect for that i became disenchanted and hopeless that there could ever be a place where i might fit in. seriously, it has been a long, hard spell of sucky jobs. this one is only temp but whatevs. it gives hope.


Well-known member
@krs2snow you are right. it is a good opportunity and i do need to push myself. sometimes (often) i am ridiculous and melodramatic. today i went and they had breakfast, valentines cards, cookies, candy, free lunch, and cake for us! everyone was nice. i have a prime cubicle next to a window (THANK GOD!!!). anyway, i think it's something i will actually be good at and make money at the same time. :) the temps are a group of 28. i am one of five admins that got picked out of over 100 so i feel good about that. but yeah i need to pretend like i am a different person and push myself.

OMG! UR day 2 into the temp job! Yeah! U survived! Just to clarify, I don't think u should pretend to be someone else, just Pretend to be the best Dottie u've always known u could be! The person u want to be! U're one of 5 that got picked out of 100 other candidates?? Thats huge!! Do u know how many pple are struggling to find work now and U got Picked !?! That says something! This is ur opportunity! Its temporary, its short-lived. What better opportunity to try on ur optimal personality? Be the person u've always known u could be! Show attitude and personality! Be extreme if u have to. Try not to fall into old habits and be the opposite of what feels comfortable. Go for it! U can do it! Really, u CAN do it! Look for the postives. I'm rooting for you!
Anxious, depressed, feel like dying. I feel worthless, I don't know what to do.
I'm afraid everyone sees my ugliness and my pathetic feelings inside, because I feel so depressed, I sit here in the living room with a sad face, I think I look pathetic, i'm afraid my invirement will get mad at me. I'm a pointless person.