How are you feeling?


Well-known member
^^Hi. I don't see it as interesting but it is a matter of perception. I read somewhere "Act as if, and u will soon be". I think u should pump urself up for tomorrow. Go in ready to impress! Think of it as temporary, b-cuz right now it is, so just have fun! With urself and trying new things. Try to look at it as an opportunity, u know. I've heard that like 86% of permananet jobs come from temporary postitions. This is an opportunity for u! Enjoy it! Try to make the best of it! And when all else fails, smile. Just paste a big goofy grin on and make eye contact w/anyone u see. Its time to get out of the comfort zone. Push urself. When u feel anxious, remind urself its only temporary, just like the job. But u have an opportunity to make this something more. Whats the worse that could happen? They'll send u packing in a few weeks? Who cares! U already know its temporary. U have the perfect opportunity to play w/things and try to find something that works for u. Who knows, maybe u'll find ur nitch. Screw therapy! Just go for it!


Well-known member
I'm sure many people reading this would be happy to send you a Valentine's Day card, bsebring (hint, hint).

* if you want it, sends virtual Valentine's Day card; if you don't, was never sent *
Better wishes, emu_noodles!

I'm feeling good, going to the movies soon!
Will travel by bus, and gonna see the movie: TRON Legacy.
Looking forward to it! :)

Dr. Doom

Well-known member
Valentines day. I know people will be giving eachother cards and whatnot, that does not bother me. What I'm worried about is getting a courtesy card, or a teacher giving me a card so I dont feel left out or something. I want to go back to sleeeep. I did get my CIS homework done though, so that is sort of nice? I dont really care about it though, I could fail highschool and not care, all I want to do is learn a language like french, italian or maybe german. I don't see the point of going to college just for that, but where else do you go to learn a language? I just want to make sunglasses. I feel like I could do this if I moved to france or italy for some reason. Italy is sort of like the Switerland for sunglasses. Maybe if I knew italian I could work for a sunglasses maker or something. Then move up, my italian would improve and I could start my own business, buy a yellow ferrari convertable. Would be totally sweet.


Well-known member
Depressed but inspired. Like out of nowhere, when I woke up today, I had this crazy but awesome idea, and it's been growing on me since then.


Well-known member
Feel pretty good today :) Got a haircut (which I usually hate doing), and had a few pretty good interactions with people. Then I went to a park I haven't been to in at least 5 years and just sat there, at lunch and read the newspaper. The park has a great view of one of NYC's bridges as well as Manhattan's skyline, and it's right on the water. Windy as hell though :/

Good day all in all


Well-known member
slept in wayy to long, but now that I'm up I'm feeling better. My first day of guitar lessons start today so I'm pretty excited.
& thanks for the support everyone. Once again, you guys made my day a lot better ;)


New member
Happy, as today turned out so much better than i thought it would
Melancholy, as I'm pretty broke right now
Slightly "off-kilter" as I've been Majorly depressed for the past week and it doesn't just go away.

New meds taking effect i guess!


Well-known member
I feel alright, but very restless. I want something to do and be part of. I want big changes and fast, because for some reason, I always feel like I'm running out of time and that the longer I wait, the harder it will be to initiate things - though I'm trying to stifle that feeling and understand the true value of patience and planning. ::eek::


Well-known member
@krs2snow you are right. it is a good opportunity and i do need to push myself. sometimes (often) i am ridiculous and melodramatic. today i went and they had breakfast, valentines cards, cookies, candy, free lunch, and cake for us! everyone was nice. i have a prime cubicle next to a window (THANK GOD!!!). anyway, i think it's something i will actually be good at and make money at the same time. :) the temps are a group of 28. i am one of five admins that got picked out of over 100 so i feel good about that. but yeah i need to pretend like i am a different person and push myself.


Active member
I have some sort of interview/introduction tomorrow morning, I don't know. Our family friend (in a music group) was like, you should come help us with some stuff around our office. It seemed real casual volunteering and stuff, but their office manager is like being all serious like send me your resume and lets set up a meeting which was going to be at some location that wasn't the office (it got moved there though) which made it seem interview-like. I think I can handle myself with the uncertainty by following his lead and stuff but I don't know what to wear/little things like that making me anxious. Or that I sent an e-mail to confirm the time since we set it like 2 weeks ago, and he didn't respond and I'm nervous I might have gotten the wrong time.
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Well-known member
Ugg, I tried to make this day good but it didn't work out too well. I must have gained like 7 pounds from all the food I ate and now all I wanna do is smoke some weed to the point that I have no idea what's going on. Just one more hr and it'll be over. Tomorrow can't come faster.


Well-known member
I feel quite stressed out about a few things.

Looking forward to a day at the beach this weekend with my girlfriend and a few mates though:)