How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Maybe you did. Maybe your germs crossed the English channel and made their way over here. Now thanks to you my new coworkers will be sick in time for Christmas. :D

Thanks. :)

I hate to tell you this, but if they had crossed the English Channel they would be travelling in the opposite direction from America.


Preparing for yet another awesome night at home, getting wasted on cask wine and watching so many tv episodes I feel like I'm a valued member of society.

I feel nothing, and am enjoying it while it lasts.
Sore. I called in sick to work today because I can't stand on my feet.

Spend most of yesterdays afternoon clearing snow for older people, and didn't notice that my feet were getting wet. Long story short, now my feet are slightly (friction) burned. How's that for irony. x3

Though, two older ladies insisted that I took 10 bucks for it, so that's nice. :3
lol just got a message on youtube from a girl from the clinic i've been staying at. She never thought I could be so confident lol. Because she saw a whole different person when I was at school there because I seemed so shy and anxious and on youtube im singing and stuff and making humourous stuff :p i bet every socially anxious person is a whole different person when they are in their comfort zone ;) I was the quiet girl at school :p really. In groups I'm really anxious, but she says I changed alot like as in showing off confidence. Im happy lol :D But still it reminds me of the time when I was so frightening around people, like hell. It was even too hard to walk in the class :-/ I was always standing the whole lesson outside waiting at the door, and couldnt walk in. :-/
But sometimes I did it. But i hate these times. But still, I proved myself more!
But school is one of my biggest difficulties.. But I really want to prove that I can be in a full class of people. But my sa is severe... But i want to beat it :)
but still i have sa.. and i wish i could knock it out of my life... go away bastard leave me alone :cool:

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
very emotional - I've been on the verge of tears all day

must be because of the holidays reminding me of everything I no longer have in my life and that all my dreams have amounted to nothing

Think of it more as your dreams haven't yet reached fruition. You can only say for sure that your dreams have amounted to nothing when you reach the end, and you're a long way from there.


Feeling okay. Kind of just want to get Christmas out of the way tbh. Also sick of hospital appointments because of my lung. Why do crap things happen one after the other.

Still keeping my chin up and not letting it get to me or drag me down.