just overwhelmed with too many things. pretty much hit rock bottom.
Oh well, their loss is our gain, what were you left out on?
Quite crappy :: i'm currently down to 1 friend now. :: The other friends i've known for years seem to have lost interest in me since i've been going through another rough patch with depression. I guess i don't need people like that in my life eh? friends are suppose to care right? ::
Like having a great workout routine, burning all the fat and building back some of my lost muscle . Feeling like torturing my body through exercise to make it stronger
Good feeling, would recommend exercising to anyone, in whatever form or manner that you can perform it
1234567890 <copying sial
My knees are hurting really bad today. Time for some more ibuprofen.
I feel like nothing. Even on this website.
I applied for so many jobs and called and asked if they are hiring.
My sister got a job and quit a while ago, which I would have never done. But now she has another.
Why is this happening to me?
I think only religious people know the answer. Because I don't pray.
Well if thats the reason... i don't even know why Im writing this.