How are you feeling?


Well-known member
im thinking of going out its a nice day but i cant be bothred on my own ::eek:: oh well what to do what to do he thinks :rolleyes:


Well-known member
Extremely anxious and a bit panicky I was invited to a BBQ today and i only know the person who's throwing it and she's inviting alot of her friends which means I'm gonna be around alot of people I don't know I can already feel that this will end badly with me coming home and crawling into my dark room. I really shouldn't go but like an idiot I'm not listening to my self. I'm scared. Wish me luck.


Well-known member
im feeling ok , iv just put all the indian takeaway left overs outside , quite a lot of it left nan bread chicken rice ect , iv just watched the seagulls fighting over it .... its all gone now ..... happy little seagulls with full bellies , they will probably go home and say to there mates guess what :) i just had a takeaway :)


Well-known member
Gotta go somewhere tomorrow with my father.
Don't want to go, but there's no reason why I shouldn't.
I know that would be a problem with "them" if I said I didn't want to.
He wants to go swimming with me next week too.
I won't be surprised if I won't go though. Nothing ever go as planned if I'm involved.


Well-known member
I know this sounds like a pretty thick question lol, but is there a difference between being a moderator and super moderator? lol. ::eek::


Well-known member
I know this sounds like a pretty thick question lol, but is there a difference between being a moderator and super moderator? lol. ::eek::

It depends on what site you are on. This site only has super moderators so I have no idea what a regular mod would do. It depends on what privileges the webmaster chooses to give to each type.


Well-known member
I know this sounds like a pretty thick question lol, but is there a difference between being a moderator and super moderator? lol. ::eek::

yea a moderator can walk on water , a super mod can prise the ocean apart , you know like that bloke in the bible but i cant think of his name at mo :confused: