How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Ha thanks lol at Hide and Sheep :D Cool..will check these out when im despairing. Though i do tend to get stressed if they're too i may have to stop myself throwing my laptop off of the floor *headshake*

Oh wow, I never scrolled down! I only played Home Sheep Home! YAY new game!

(some levels get challenging but it'll provide a few minutes of entertainment, even if you're just switching sheep. :D)


Well-known member
Should I eat dinner?
I wanted hamburgers for dinner. I wanted to cook them.
But all of the sudden "he" went in the kitchen as started cooking.
He got here from work... use the bathroom, ate something, went in the bathroom again (don't know why of course, I just listen to peoples movements).
Came downstairs and started cooking without washing his hands (as always).
Well actually he just put them in the oven.
Baked hamburgers? Ew why don't meat lovers(meat freaks) learn how to cook or just eat that **** raw!
Ugh I'm getting furious.
They will probably be nasty anyways because there is not reasoning or anything.
Or maybe I just didn't notice him getting anything out of the drawer with the seasonings.

Would you eat the food?
I usually don't ask for advice but yeah.

Now... if you know how hamburgers are made. You know you HAVE you use your hands and touch the meat.

Actually... I feel sick already. I'll eat something else.
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Should I eat dinner?
I wanted hamburgers for dinner. I wanted to cook them.
But all of the sudden "he" went in the kitchen as started cooking.
He got here from work... use the bathroom, ate something, went in the bathroom again (don't know why of course, I just listen to peoples movements).
Came downstairs and started cooking without washing his hands (as always).
Well actually he just put them in the oven.
Baked hamburgers? Ew why don't meat lovers(meat freaks) learn how to cook or just eat that **** raw!
Ugh I'm getting furious.
They will probably be nasty anyways because there is not reasoning or anything.
Or maybe I just didn't notice him getting anything out of the drawer with the seasonings.

Would you eat the food?
I usually don't ask for advice but yeah.

Now... if you know how hamburgers are made. You know you HAVE you use your hands and touch the meat.

Actually... I feel sick already. I'll eat something else.

That's gross, I'll agree! Usually when you cook it, it will kill all potential harmful germs and bacteria. So in terms of hardcore health it couldn't really hurt. I do get how you wouldn't want to eat that, though. The whole idea of it is just gross. >,<

If I were you I'd just eat something else. ~WO
Starting to feel a little numb and defensive, I have a appointment with another psychiatrist tomorrow and I don't quite what to expect of it yet. Ah well, only one way to find out I guess. ^W^

I just hope he keeps his opinion unbiased until I've told him the entire story..


Well-known member
I'm feeling a bit hungry right now. So I'm off to see if I can find some jelly to go with this peanut butter and white bread.


Well-known member
Me too. The only reason I see the sun is because is sets so late and rises so early this time of year. If it was winter I'd be a vampire.

LOL, me too! it's kind of depressing missing the days now that it's summer. Hmm, think i'll go do some housework now while i'm waiting for my body to get tired lol!


Well-known member
If I'm still around at 6 am, my dog usually wakes up and expects to be walked and fed.

But now I'm a bit disappointed. When I found that strawberry jam in the basement (for my sandwich) I said "I'll love you for ever and ever if you're not expired," and it wasn't. So sorry ladies, I'm now taken. For ever and ever, too.

And my basement is like the Bermuda Triangle. Things disappear down there. Sometimes they reappear months, years or decades later, if they reappear at all. Hence my promise as I desperately looked for an expiration date.



Well-known member
Holy moly, you know this thread has been viewed over 250,000 times?

And my basement is like the Bermuda Triangle. Things disappear down there. Sometimes they reappear months, years or decades later, if they reappear at all.

Sounds like my fridge.
I'm channeling so much hate and anger right now that it takes all my concentration and reasoning not to beat my older scumbag of a brother into the hospital. I'm stuck here listening to how he treats his girlfriends as if she's his damned property. I would do something about it, but that would end up badly for everyone.

Cowardous insignificant loudmouth waste of life that he is. >:mad:


Well-known member
:( I can empathize with that (hugs)
hope you feel better asap

Thanks for the hugs :) (((hugs)))

I feel like the ugliest, stupidest and most disgusting woman in the world :(

Must be something in the air today, i feel the same :/

(((Big Hugs))) to both of you. Hang in there! You never know when things may start to get a bit easier.:)

Thanks for the hugs, i hope it all passes for me soon, i hate feeling like this

I'm channeling so much hate and anger right now that it takes all my concentration and reasoning not to beat my older scumbag of a brother into the hospital. I'm stuck here listening to how he treats his girlfriends as if she's his damned property. I would do something about it, but that would end up badly for everyone.

Cowardous insignificant loudmouth waste of life that he is. >:mad:

If i didnt know any different i would think you were talking about my brother lol


Well-known member
I know a lot is made of the power of positive thinking but I was watching this show about brain plasticity. One study got people to practice an action (playing some notes on a piano) over the course of a week and studied the changes in the brain as connections were strengthened. They got a second group to sit there and imagine doing the action without actually moving and at the end of the week saw the same strengthened connections as the group that actually performed the action. It strikes me that all the rumination and self loathing that is common in SA is only strengthening the condition. It's almost like making your own false memories amplifying the negatives of an experience and erasing any positives. Maybe a bit of positive visualisation like imagining being somewhere talking to a group of people and feeling relaxed and talkative might actually make some positive changes in the brain. Just a thought.