How are you feeling?

People are so f*cking terrible, I swear. I'm getting the mistreatment from all angles. I'll just create space and stick to what matters or stick to who matters, but my faith in humankind still dwindles. I tell you, it's usually a curse to have such a big heart.


Thanks for the kind words :) Well kind and wise.And I'm sure if you look a little harder there will be some worth while stuff you did in those ten years to be proud of and it wasn't all wasted,depression has a habit of clouding our perspective. ;)


Well-known member
The stuff you get in your stomach...
butterflies? I don't know
Its really annoying.
Because.. the day is almost here.
Can't wait, so the feeling can go away.

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
a little anxious. its time for me to get my butt back in school and register for classes. i wonder how long ill last this time. i hope everybody is feeling okay tonight! in a song the lyric goes how are you feeling? yes im feeling. thats dead on

Lost Girl

Well-known member
looks like my friend successfully has my boyfriend....... they've been downstairs talking since he came in half an hour ago and he hasn't even come up to say hi to me! **** sake why do i have to be such a fat ugly boring mess! :-(

If his actions are not innocent, then kick his butt to the curb!
Meanwhile, do not ever ever think of yourself as a fat ugly boring mess again, please! I have seen your picture, and you are beautiful. and I have seen your posts, and you are not boring!

Lost Girl

Well-known member
A little bit flat and feeling alone,I hit 25 tomorrow and I wish I could just sleep the day right through.

I hit 25 last year and just wanted to sleep until I turned 26! That whole age annoyed me completely. I think it is probably the fact that it's the quarter-century milestone.

I'm much happier now at 26 funnily enough. lol what is the point of this post? Happy Birthday Danfalc ::p: And cheer up, you're still a youngen ya know. ::p:
I feel hassled and beat down, but good and hopeful at the same time. Apparently taking away doing something you really wanna do can be a great motivator when body and mind are lazy/don't react.


Pretty crap after the disaster of a day i had at work, paranoid is not even the word i'd use to describe how i felt........ and i have to do it all again tomorrow evening - great. God knows what catastrophy is destined for me tommorrow.


sad, a bit hopeless at the moment, trying to win over the battle of thoughts in my head. Hoping im ok . . . healthy. Wishing i didnt have to deal with OCD at all . . . wishing i was normal::(:

petrified eyes

Well-known member
Nervous, very nervous. I found a childhood friend on facebook and she sent me a message saying for me to call her. I'm terrified of phones. Chatting online is hard enough, but the telephone, just thinking of calling someone makes me freak out.
Nervous, very nervous. I found a childhood friend on facebook and she sent me a message saying for me to call her. I'm terrified of phones. Chatting online is hard enough, but the telephone, just thinking of calling someone makes me freak out.

Yea, I hear that, I would be freaking nervous as hell myself. I am horrible with these types of calls.


Well-known member
feeling confused that some people on here who are so attractive can feel socially inept. i guess they could wonder the same for me... from the outside it doesn't seem to make sense. from the inside it is as logical as avoiding touching a hot stove.


Active member
I'm not sure how I feel. For the second day in a row, I found out about a friend's attempted suicide. This one also survived, and she was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder yesterday.