How are you feeling?


Active member
Sad, confused, and grateful.

Today I found out a friend had tried to kill themself at the start of the year. I've only known him a few weeks, we became friends when he took the time to help a random stranger. It's so sad that he feels that depressed. :( :( :( It's so lucky that his attempt failed (he took too many pills, and they got stuck rather then digested, or something). Suicide is so strange and confusing.


How do I feel? Angry? Grateful? Confused? :/

"Run away. Do it! Your tune will change! The monster that is spw will devour you whole!" His words linger in my sight as a sombre warning.
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Well-known member
Feel a little puzzled. The results of my blood test cam back, and everything is normal. I thought for sure I would have a problem with my thyroid, but I don't. So what could be causing this excessive anxiety?:confused:


Well-known member
Im feeling great today for a change, i think its the preparing for my baby girls 1st birthday that has done it :) cant wait until Sunday :D
that must've been really tough :( girl, im glad you're feeling a bit better now though. it's so annoying how that feeling can come and go so suddenly...
i think you've been way too stressed lately though- it would be such a good idea to do something you love, just enjoy yourself a bit, like. even if it's listening to music or whatever. hope you feel better soon :)

ty,a lot GIRL:p
Well I'm going to try and get hold of my doctor so hope that helps :)


Well-known member
Surprisingly I'm feeling happy, liberated even. It's probably because it's the first day of summer; no school for 3 months. I hope I can keep this feeling up.


Feels like im suspended in time. It's as if i've just had 'Pause' pressed on me. Like my thoughts and feelings are running havoc inside an empty suspended shell of a body. It hurts. ::(: