Hie yer hence from me heath!
Why am I constantly aasked to give my opinion on whatever the f
k my family are arguing about?
My oldest sister is always asking, as if my perspective means summit, as if I care.As if me being the level-headed, Zen as f
k calm - the yin who is always trying to defuse an intense, shouty arguments does any good.
Am the yin who either gets telt to eff off, or I'm the "family therapist" for my mother and oldest sister, who burden me with their problems and complaints. Different story if I do the same to them though, weirdly enough.
Every time she goes: "Whit d'you think aboot it?". I just want to be a right smart-arse and respond with: "Ah don't..." And, knowing my luck, my response would probably get a confused reaction rather than a laugh.

My oldest sister is always asking, as if my perspective means summit, as if I care.As if me being the level-headed, Zen as f

Am the yin who either gets telt to eff off, or I'm the "family therapist" for my mother and oldest sister, who burden me with their problems and complaints. Different story if I do the same to them though, weirdly enough.
Every time she goes: "Whit d'you think aboot it?". I just want to be a right smart-arse and respond with: "Ah don't..." And, knowing my luck, my response would probably get a confused reaction rather than a laugh.