Lonely, irritated as usual, and anxious about tomorrow. I was feeling pretty good this morning, then had to go out to pick up my new glasses and go to the store to grab a few things. The store set off my anxiety and irritability like crazy today. So many god damn people and it wasn't hardly 10am. So many people just standing in the way, just poking along without a care in the world, or running through the store so fast they nearly run into everyone else or the poor workers that are trying to do their jobs and have to deal with their bullshit, so many people driving through the parking lot not bothering to look and just run stop signs or fly by other people walking. How are people so freaking ignorant to their surroundings all the time without giving two craps about anyone else? I just don't get it. The ignorance is astounding. The older I get the more I find I absolutely hate being around other people, moreso than usual.
On another note, I have to go to a birthday party tomorrow and visit with my husband's family. I'm not looking forward to it. I thought I was looking forward to seeing some family, but no. I really don't want to see anyone honestly. My in-laws have been treating me differently this year. Or at least my FIL has been. He's changed so much in the last year I no longer can stand to be around him honestly. I know he's been through a lot, but that's still no excuse to be as ignorant as he's being lately. But alas, I can't say anything so I don't. I keep my distance and leave it at that. If he wants to talk, he'll talk, otherwise I don't exist. I'm just an accessory. My SIL is also the same way. Can't stand to be around her either. I doubt she'll even be there tomorrow though. She never goes to any family function nor talks to anyone unless she needs something.
I also don't want to be bombarded with questions about my job from other family members. I don't want to talk about work when I'm not at work. But heaven forbid if they talk to me about anything else. I don't want to sit around listening to my husband babble about his job either as everyone always asks him question after question since his job is a lot more interesting than I am anyways. Again, I'm just an accessory at these things. Makes one feel really good about themselves, you know?
I have to stop in to see my family while I'm in town too tomorrow. Again, not looking forward to it. I already talked to my mother for over an hour on the phone yesterday, as it always is with her phone calls, listening to her complain about my father and other random stuff she's been up to. Probably will have to listen to the same thing again when I stop in tomorrow.