Be sure to take adequate breaks so you retain the information. 30 minutes on, 5 minutes off always worked for me.I have got to start studying early in the morning tomorrow, read, read, read from morning to night, that's my goal. I'll be so happy if I see that I'm done with it and I did it! I love your encouragements and your understanding or acceptance Fountainandfairfax![]()
Yes I'll sure take breaks, thanksBe sure to take adequate breaks so you retain the information. 30 minutes on, 5 minutes off always worked for me.
I hope you feel better soonWay worse than I did at the weekend. I'm still dizzy, to the point where - after getting up to go downstairs to use the toilet at around 7 am, and seeing how knackered I looked after catching a glimpse of myself in the bathroom mirror - I've decided to just stay in my bed today. I hate feeling unwell...![]()
gargling with salt can help and EchinaceaTired. Glad that I'm getting better, though. I just wish my sore throat would hurry up and go away.
Not so happy that my oldest sister thought it funny to joke to me that I'll be caring for her and our mother when they get older. Mainly because I'm already caring for our mother as it is — have been since I was 15, but this rarely gets acknowledged by the family as a whole. Heck, I don't really feel like I have much of a life at this point. Or, I missed out on a lot, that's a better way to phrase it Spent too many years being "nice", letting family think they could just treat me like crap - boss me around, insult me - and they could get away with that. But then: dysfunctional family. So that stuff tends to be perceived as normal, if ya weren't used to it being otherwise. Even now I feel guilty for doing things just for me... Anyway, rant over. Just needed to vent about that. Get stuff I was thinking, but couldn't say at the time, out.
Oh, thanks for that suggestion, lily.gargling with salt can help and Echinacea
Yay! hehe, you wrote a book?My book showed up on MSN's home page as an advert. It wasn't me who triggered it and I don't know how it happened. Must be somebody out there is promoting it. A friend of mine saw it and sent me the screenshot. It really picked up my spirits and made my day.
That's wonderful! Hm... I wouldn't worry about you thinking yourself as great if you are! hehe, those things which you think are good about yourself you should just be proud of itJust had a wee look through the notifications on my SoundCloud account, and...
Either some people on there are giving me way too much credit as a guitarist - comparing my guitar playing style to Eddie Van Halen and Buckethead...- or maybe I really am that good?
Even though I'm reluctant to admit that... I worry that I'd come across as really arrogant if I did.
I think my oldest sister's right, though, when she told me that I seem to deliberately underestimate my guitar playing abilities because of imposter syndrome than a lack of confidence.
It's quite surreal, humbling and creatively motivating to be compared to such highly regarded, iconic musicians. Even though, I still don't think I'm even close to being nearly as good as them.