How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Yesterday I called for some job in other town-near the sea of course.-at first the man who I was talking with, seems litlle uninterested..but then he called me after few hours and asked more questions. I should go there this weekend for an interview but when I tought about it more..I wouldn't be living there..I would be surviving..because the payment is not so good. Why is money so important..hell with it! So for now I'm stuck least my parents are happy that I'm staying..


Well-known member
Some people called me to play basket this saturday for the second time and again I dont feel like going.
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Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn!
Staff member
I'll move there with you if you feel like running away, unless you'd like to go it alone and in that case at least get a laptop because I'll miss your posts dearly if you leave. ::eek::
Aw. :)

But are you quite sure you're ready to get blasted by x-rays, crushed into your constituent atoms, and disappear from the knowable universe?


Well-known member
im feeling like never picking up soap again from the shower , you will know what i mean if you look at my visitor page :eek:


im feeling like never picking up soap again from the shower , you will know what i mean if you look at my visitor page :eek:




Well-known member
I'm happy!!! I've been waiting since 8am for my Canon 1000D DSLR camara to come through and it came at 5:45pm! Making me wait all blimming day for it the sods LOL! But am so happy it's here! ::p: now i need a memory card...


Well-known member
I'm happy!!! I've been waiting since 8am for my Canon 1000D DSLR camara to come through and it came at 5:45pm! Making me wait all blimming day for it the sods LOL! But am so happy it's here! ::p: now i need a memory card...

i goggled it and looks like a really good camera, i'm jealous ::(:::p:


Well-known member
I'm happy!!! I've been waiting since 8am for my Canon 1000D DSLR camara to come through and it came at 5:45pm! Making me wait all blimming day for it the sods LOL! But am so happy it's here! ::p: now i need a memory card...

thats great amiee :D we can expect 1000s of pics from you on spw ;)


Well-known member
Thank you all for being so wonderful and helpful ::eek::

I had a pretty wonderful day despite yesterday's fiasco. Went shopping, got my ring taken out of my lip and replaced it with a peace sign stud. A little dose of feel good is what it is, makes me happy just to look at it :)