How are you feeling?


Well-known member
I need someone. Not just anyone, not just a friend. A true friend. Whatever a true friend is to me, that's what I want.


Well-known member
I'm happy today. :) it's sort of sunny and my neice and nephew are over they make me laugh so much! I wish i could still be carefree like a child i miss that feeling. :(


Well-known member
Job interview tomorrow :/ My emotions are basically through the roof.

I can relate, for me it's a bit of a struggle to still keep going into work, I've been back a week. Good luck to you, I really hope it goes well. I'm sure that you'll end up surprising yourself and doing great!

I'm happy today. :) it's sort of sunny and my neice and nephew are over they make me laugh so much! I wish i could still be carefree like a child i miss that feeling. :(

I can relate to this also, heh. One of the most overlooked and underated best feelings in the world (in my eyes) is freedom. Freedom from problems, freedom from anxiety, phobias. I hope you're doing well.


Well-known member
To be perfectly honest, I feel awful. I'm stressing out, a lot. I have to leave for work in under an hour. I'm really glad that I've managed to get food down today, and keep it down. I'm doing my best to counteract these problems with positive thinking patterns and breathing techniques.


Well-known member
im feeling great cos im driving to see my kids sat night , and have them all day sun , the usual , swimming , dinner in a pub , see a movie , ect as much as we can do in a day :D:D


Active member
severely sleep deprived -

i finally got precisely 3 hours this morning after 48 hours of NO sleep (i never even went to bed)...all due to the horrific effects of withdrawing from Klonopin - a med i never needed, that did no good (as i mentioned in a previous thread, i take Adderall for my SA - and it WORKS!!)...

my doc prescribed 4mgs of Klonopin per day eons ago...that's a HUGE amount. thank god, i only ever took up to 2mgs per day. and after starting Adderall a few years ago, i gradually weened myself down to 1mg...but now i'm going for .75mgs.

btw, benzo withdrawal is a real b*tch - and so am i. :(


Well-known member
I've been feeling exceptionally stressed out recently. I haven't posted here in a couple of weeks now which I'm not remotely pleased about either.