How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Low. I've moved abroad for love, and I'm just effing stuck. Don't have a degree, good personal skills or anything else someone wants in a person when hiring. I'm trying to even just apply for things like fruit picking and no one is replying.
I didn't want to come on the basis I didn't want to be his burden but until I find work that's exactly what I am. I've already been here 3 weeks and applying for work before I came proved fruitless. I don't know how long I should give myself before I give up and go home defeated and humiliated, since everyone will know my return will signify my failure (which isn't something I should care about, but I will). Sigh.


Well-known member
That moment when your parent says to you I really need you to get a job and help me financially and you can't because of your issues. I feel beyond useless.


Well-known member
had another fight with the old man. F**k him. Miserable piece of sh*t. If he knew what these pointless fights do to me. F*****g a**hole man:kickingmyself::kickingmyself:


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Ah should be feelin' great, having been to the gym today for the first time in years. But, sadly, I don't... Also, wondering what I'm doing with my life. :sad: :idontknow:


Hie yer hence from me heath!
That was a positive step going to the gym Graeme . :thumbup:

Thanks. :thumbup: Aye, it was a positive step. It's just kinda a shame that it's taken me gettin' orthopedic surgery to start going again.

It wus more at the suggestion of my physiotherapists that I get to the gym. Could do to come up with a routine for the next time I go. Because my physiotherapists were sayin' I should strengthen my core, as well as my legs.


Well-known member
I'm half way through extended leave. I've spent most of my leave worrying about how I am going to cope with being around people again.


Well-known member
Isolated and forlorn. Missing a few things tonight: freedom, friendship, good food, conversation, love.

I don't want to be alone. I need my space, yeah, my time for just me and my private thoughts and moods, but I don't want to be Alone—not Capital-A-Alone with walls ten feet thick and twenty high. I don't want to live like this. I'm afraid to die like this.

I feel as though life has run out through my fingers like the slippery liquid heart of a broken egg: all the possibilities, all the promise, all the Life that could have been hopelessly splattered on the floor, nothing left but a shattered, empty shell in my trembling hand.

What else do I have? Nothing. No one. No one to hold me when I am afraid, no one to guide me when I am lost, no one to lay out my bones when I am gone.

We are not born to solitude. We are social animals by nature, like it or not. Though some of us may carry the card (and cross) of the introvert, we still need other people to some degree. No one can live in a vacuum—it's too hard to breathe, and I want to breathe.

To breathe is to live. To live is to love, eat well, smile silently, and laugh out loud. To live is to walk in the dark, still woods and to feel the cold ocean surf washing over your bare, sandy feet. To live is to talk, weep, sing, dance, screw, play, and work—work hard and well, so that at the end of days you can know that you have been here, that you have lived, and that your world is a better place for it.

I want to live, to be free, but the walls are high and strongly built, the air inside stagnant and thin. It's hard to breathe in here, let alone muster the strength and courage to escape. I want to live and not be alone, but how can I do that here?
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Well-known member
One of those nights I wish I had people to talk to, but the few people I do talk to I don't want to drag down with me.


Well-known member
Opportunities lost out of fear. Maybe a chance to talk to someone but the chance turned down out of fear. This inner turmoil of the possibility that it might bring something good, but swamped by the belief that I am too weird for anyone to talk to.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Opportunities lost out of fear. Maybe a chance to talk to someone but the chance turned down out of fear. This inner turmoil of the possibility that it might bring something good, but swamped by the belief that I am too weird for anyone to talk to.

Yep! That's how my life's been for many years now. :sad:
Cons: had an argument and felt horrible after, people at work and elsewhere sucked, stress from a bunch of little things

Pros: made up with person, stood up for myself at work, came home to a friend visiting, going to get some things done before bed. Oh and I have a nice apartment and food and things. And Internet, of course that. All praise the mighty Internet.