How are you feeling?


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Have you tried standing on your head?

Pfft! Aye right... If only ah wus able to do a handstand. :bigsmile:

What's silly about wanting to get better?

Nuthin' ataw. It's just ah've hud a few setbacks, just when things were lookin' as though they were off to a great start. Firstly, with no being able to find a pair uh trainers tae fit ma new splints. And ma consultant surgeon said wearin' ma new splints while gettin' up to walk about would be the ideal. An then there's tha areas where ah hud surgery done that huv swelled up, but aw that should go doon within 3 weeks.

I don't know when your birthday is, so I can't judge the feasibility of your goal very well, but if you don't set some kind of target schedule, you'll be stuck downstairs with Everybody Loves Raymond—all 210 episodes—forever. With that fearsome prospect behind you, and the hope of a little peace and quiet (or really loud music, if you prefer) ahead, I think you got this. Chin up, man!

Sweet zombie Jesus... That sound hellish! There's really that many episodes...?! :eek: Oh Gawd help me! Ah'd be fine with Everybody Loves Raymond if were actually funny, mind you. Nae offence to anybuddy who thinks it is. Ah just find it boring.

Ma birthday's at the end of March, btw. So ah dinnae ken if ma goal is feasible or pure mental? Considerin' ma recent update aboot gettin' ma casts off recently. And nae target schedule's been agreed to yet. So, ye think ah'll cope if ah just keep ma headphones on, loud music blaring in ma lugs (ears) and avoid tha gawkin' eyes an snickerin' laughs of ma nosy, dysfunctional family? Here's hopin'...

Thanks for yer encouragin' words, nonetheless, Graybeard. :brindis:


Well-known member
:kickingmyself:it won't end.:kickingmyself: Why is it that I have to stick it out when I don't want to anymore. ENOUGH ALREADY LIFE ISN'T FOR EVERYONE THAT IS THE REALITY OF IT. I don't look at it as a gift but more of a curse.
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Well-known member
It's not that I feel suicidal depressed, it's just that I don't feel like there is much left for me in the world.
Like everything is repetition at this point and nothing is all that thrilling.

The "good" things always come at such a steep price...


Hie yer hence from me heath!
:kickingmyself:it won't end.:kickingmyself: Why is it that I have to stick it out when I don't want to anymore. ENOUGH ALREADY LIFE ISN'T FOR EVERYONE THAT IS THE REALITY OF IT. I don't look at it as a gift but more of a curse.
It's not that I feel suicidal depressed, it's just that I don't feel like there is much left for me in the world.
Like everything is repetition at this point and nothing is all that thrilling.

The "good" things always come at such a steep price...

Ah know probably won't help much, but, ah cun relate tae how yer feelin'. :sad:


Well-known member
Sickly, for some reason (maybe it was the food I ate earlier). Not looking forward to waking up early on a Saturday morning (stupid class). :/ Oh, and a bit lonely (but when am I not).


in a VAN down by the RIVER
I've had a stiff neck for a few days, but now my whole back is effected because of the way it's been compensating. I'm sore from the back of my head down to the bottom of my spine.

Woe. Everything's a saga when you've got nothing but time. :D
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Well-known member
Feel a bit like an insecure fool and that I just will never ever be good enough - will never be who I dont want to be in order to have what is never going to be- if that makes sense- so I feel depressed about that- giving up hope is not something I like to do because I am a sagitarious.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Let down... Again! Nuthin' new there. No-one seems tae do whit ah ask iof them. Always got tae be on their terms, an never mine. :veryangry: :kickingmyself: It's no wonder ah don't trust naebuddy in ma life.


Well-known member
Even when your progressing you must not forget the basics. Its mastery and repetition of the basics that allows you to progress. Forget the basics and the progression you've made can be suddenly lost...but you can get it back. Its a lifetime of practicing the basics for me.


Well-known member
I cannot deny it. Every single morning when I wake up I always try my best to be as optimistic as possible. I tell myself that today will be a good day that everything is going to be better than it was yesterday and so forth. The reality is I still feel miserable and my desire to not want to be here anymore is getting stronger with every passing day. This isn't a good sign because at this rate...........I just don't know. How much longer I can hold out for is up in the air at this point. I know I sound like a broken record as I have posted here before and have said the same thing over and over but that's just me being honest about my internal conflict. So ill say it yet again, life isn't for everyone and it isn't for me.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
I cannot deny it. Every single morning when I wake up I always try my best to be as optimistic as possible. I tell myself that today will be a good day that everything is going to be better than it was yesterday and so forth. The reality is I still feel miserable and my desire to not want to be here anymore is getting stronger with every passing day. This isn't a good sign because at this rate...........I just don't know. How much longer I can hold out for is up in the air at this point. I know I sound like a broken record as I have posted here before and have said the same thing over and over but that's just me being honest about my internal conflict. So ill say it yet again, life isn't for everyone and it isn't for me.

Oh, ah get whit ye mean... Ah feel exactly tha same, masel'. Huv almost tha exact same internal conflict, too.

Life definitely isn't for me for sure. :kickingmyself: :sad:


Well-known member
I really love this forum. It's the only place I know of where I can find other people who seem to find life similarly as hard as I do. it's such a comfort to know I'm not the only one who feels so weak and vulnerable and anxious all the time.

My boss told me I'm not allowed to wear my headphones at work yesterday and it's really bothering me. Listening to headphones is REALLY important to me. I know most people think it's a small thing, but it's my secret world where I learn and grow and get inspired. Now I know what my options are and I've figured out a plan of action, but that still hasn't helped remove this unrest in my heart. I'm gonna carry on listening to my headphones, but I'm worried what will happen if I get caught again. I've planned all the arguments I could say, but I worry about my ability to deliver them effectively. I've made my peace with the possibility I might have to go headphone-less or look for another job. But still, this unrest.

It makes me wonder whether there's something deeper going on. Like I'm addicted to worrying or something? Or that I just need more faith in my plan of action. I dunno. I've just been having a tough time recently. The walls have all closed in on my life a little lately, and I've got this fear that my deepest shames will all be exposed at any moment. I fear that the whole world will reject me. They'll have no sympathy for me and my troubles. They'll say "it's your own fault". I burn bridges and hide away from people. Argh I dunno....:eek:mg: