How are you feeling?


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Hmmm.... is everythin' ah say funny tae you? Scottish dialect, hahahaha! D'ye think ma opinions are "just jokes"? Eh?! Because, apparently, that's what it seem like tae me. Ye just laugh at me aw the time, yet ah dinnae take the piss oot o' you when you expressed yer opinion.

Naw! Ah just quietly think tae masel': "Uh-huh! Eh... what a total fanny, man! Wanker! Bellend! Knob! Duh!" See, sometimes, ah actually say somethin' and f**kin' mean it! Aye, ah know? Ah cannae belive it masel' tae be honest.

Eh - aw, f**k it! - naebody takes me seriously, anyway. Kinda makes me wonder why ah even bother tae open ma stupid f**kin' gob an' mumbling a few syliables? Aw, am tellin' ye it's a right laugh when ye think aboot it...? Haha-bloody-ha! Folk always thinkin' yer takin' the piss aw the time. :kickingmyself:

Though, at least when ah actually tell a joke it's funny - the keyword there was "funny", don't know if ye caught that? That quite important when it comes tae jokes an' aw that. Anyway... See when you dae the same thing, right? Only you laugh followed by an awkward silence. Actually it's mair like this: :confused: :eek:mg: - whilist everybody desperately tries tae avoid eye contact. But then, yer joke delivery is similar tae a cancer diagnosis. No funny ataw! Aye, ah went there... Get tae f**k! Ooooh, gasp! The language an' the swearing! That's awfy so it is!

Right that's ma vague rant/internal dialogue over wi'! Time tae tell ma internal dialogue tae shut the f**k up by threatin' physical violence. "Right ya bastard! See if you dinnae shut yer gob, am gonnae bash you over the heid wi' half empty bottle o' Buckfast!" Only jokin'... :sarcastic:

Right, am offski! Later.


Well-known member
Hmmm.... is everythin' ah say funny tae you? Scottish dialect, hahahaha! D'ye think ma opinions are "just jokes"? Eh?! Because, apparently, that's what it seem like tae me. Ye just laugh at me aw the time, yet ah dinnae take the piss oot o' you when you expressed yer opinion.

Naw! Ah just quietly think tae masel': "Uh-huh! Eh... what a total fanny, man! Wanker! Bellend! Knob! Duh!" See, sometimes, ah actually say somethin' and f**kin' mean it! Aye, ah know? Ah cannae belive it masel' tae be honest.

Eh - aw, f**k it! - naebody takes me seriously, anyway. Kinda makes me wonder why ah even bother tae open ma stupid f**kin' gob an' mumbling a few syliables? Aw, am tellin' ye it's a right laugh when ye think aboot it...? Haha-bloody-ha! Folk always thinkin' yer takin' the piss aw the time. :kickingmyself:

Though, at least when ah actually tell a joke it's funny - the keyword there was "funny", don't know if ye caught that? That quite important when it comes tae jokes an' aw that. Anyway... See when you dae the same thing, right? Only you laugh followed by an awkward silence. Actually it's mair like this: :confused: :eek:mg: - whilist everybody desperately tries tae avoid eye contact. But then, yer joke delivery is similar tae a cancer diagnosis. No funny ataw! Aye, ah went there... Get tae f**k! Ooooh, gasp! The language an' the swearing! That's awfy so it is!

Right that's ma vague rant/internal dialogue over wi'! Time tae tell ma internal dialogue tae shut the f**k up by threatin' physical violence. "Right ya bastard! See if you dinnae shut yer gob, am gonnae bash you over the heid wi' half empty bottle o' Buckfast!" Only jokin'... :sarcastic:

Right, am offski! Later.

I take you seriously, I'm sorry people around you don't.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
I take you seriously, I'm sorry people around you don't.

Aw, cheer, darlin'. Thanks.

Aye, ah know, it just pisses me off that am seen as the "funny one" in the family aw the time. C'mon. say somethin' funny! "Aw, for fuc... Naw! Get tae fu..." :lol: Hilarious, right? :applause: Yay! - that ma level o' enthusiasm. Am a right laugh, me!

If ye cannae tae tell when am being funny an' when am being serious. Here a few wee clues, right? Here we go:

  • If ah say "Uh-huh!" during a conversation or "Aye" in response tae a question. But baith responses are it's in a matter-of-fact, disinterested tone.

  • Oh! And if, at any point, ah utter the following: "Aw, did ye? That's... great" with the same enthusiasm o' somebody who's slowly losing the will tae live.... it usually means am really bored and couldnae give a f**k!

Other than that, ma "witty" comeback, putdowns an' comedic insults are usually cruel, matter-of-fact, brutal and go too far. The stuff ye only think but never say oot loud, basically!

Though, ma cousin - ironically and wrongly - thinks am the brains o' ma family? Me? Am no sure if she's takin' the piss or no but... :ironicsmile: Give me a break! It clear fae the way ah talk that am no the brains o' the family. Intellectually am stupid - a tiles short o' a roof! Doesnae exactly say much fur the rest o' any family if yer younger members are the brains, does it? It no that hard tae huv a wee bit o' common sense, is it?

F**kin' hell! Ah dinnae half ramble on in some o' ma post. Must be a right pain the arse tae read? Am jokin'! Maist o' that contextually accurate - unlike the movie Braveheart (Aye, ye heard me, right! FREEDOM!!) Ah know what yer thinkin': "But... eh, Graeme, you're no suppose tae say that... yer Scottish!" Ooops! :eek:


Well-known member
I feel like pissing in my pants! I'm doing volunteer work at an organization and one of the project managers will be holding a Skype conference call with volunteers from other countries on Friday afternoon. It will be an HR Skype meeting so they will be talking about HR stuff. But get this: the project manager asked me to participate too! Yikes! I have never done a group call before, though I have skyped one on one with strangers. Honestly, if I participate, I wouldn't know what to say or contribute because I have no experience in HR besides recruiting. And I have sucky verbal skills. Skype and HR: what could be worse.
Last edited:


Well-known member
I feel like pissing in my pants! I'm doing volunteer work at an organization and one of the project managers will be holding a Skype conference call with volunteers from other countries on Friday afternoon. It will be an HR Skype meeting so they will be talking about HR stuff. But get this: the project manager asked me to participate too! Yikes! I have never done a group call before, though I have skyped one on one with strangers. Honestly, if I participate, I wouldn't know what to say or contribute because I have no experience in HR besides recruiting. And I have sucky verbal skills. Skype and HR: what could be worse.
I hope things go fine, good luck!
I was feeling awful but I had a nice long chat with a friend and now I feel much better.


Well-known member
I hope things go fine, good luck!
I was feeling awful but I had a nice long chat with a friend and now I feel much better.

Thanks for your concern. I'm still feeling a bit scared because it'll be my first skype group chat. I can do one-on-one chats with little problem but group chats scare the cr*p out of me. I have virtually 0 expertise in this area.


Well-known member
I feel...anxious, conflicted, and confused. This stranger on skype kept sending messages to me saying that he loves me and wants to hear my voice. I've only spoken with him 2-3 times. I'm not into him. He's in his 40s and I'm in my 20s. I really want to cancel/delete my skype account but according to the skype website, I cannot do so. I can never delete or cancel a skype account, but I can change my personal info and delete my contacts.

So I have 2 options:

1) block this guy.

2) delete all my contacts and tell them I'm not active anymore.

I'm considering option #2. I regret creating this skype account. I should have used services like where i can remain anonymous and chat with a different stranger everytime.


Well-known member
Everyone keeps going on about breaking bad. Well I couldnt get the first episode but I got the second episode of the first series. I thought I could start watching it. WRONG. That is some freaky that is going to give me nightmares! had to watch some classic Sheldon big bang theory to get it out of my head.

I couldn't get into it either. Then again, the one episode of Big Bang Theory I saw I didn't like either. I think it's just modern tv in general that I can't stand.