How are you feeling?


Well-known member
What you need bro is a man hug.

I'm sorry you feel this way, mate. I hope it passes.

Air squeeze. Sorry dear.

I'm so sorry you're feeling like this. Hang in there GbG.

Thanks, everyone. I'm feeling much better now: still way too much on my plate, but trying to be brave about it. :thumbup:


Well-known member
I worry myself with one thing after the next. Next year I finally graduate college and I want to develop a better plan of action. For 5 years I've had a dream to move out of America. I have talked to 5 different people so far about this ( 5 the magical number) and not one of them have told me yet that it's impossible because of how broke I am, if anything they have been supportive. I'm worried about doing it because you know I want to be safe. I've been looking into volunteer programs and some people have told me that If I am volunteering I shouldn't have to pay to visit. I do not know. The more people I talk to about it, the better. I have the support of my mother and that means a lot.


Well-known member
Having a crap day. Was excited to get out of outpatient program and had big plans for the day but the stomach flu nabbed me unexpectedly. Geez middle of the night out of the blue I only puke like that maybe once every decade. Feeling quite sorry for myself but I did the bills, took care of the pets, and just want my Mom. Life sucks living alone without a partner to share the load. Being sick seems to take me right back to childhood, especially when enduring alone. Thanks for listening to my misery. Tomorrow should be better.


Well-known member
Having a crap day. Was excited to get out of outpatient program and had big plans for the day but the stomach flu nabbed me unexpectedly. Geez middle of the night out of the blue I only puke like that maybe once every decade. Feeling quite sorry for myself but I did the bills, took care of the pets, and just want my Mom. Life sucks living alone without a partner to share the load. Being sick seems to take me right back to childhood, especially when enduring alone. Thanks for listening to my misery. Tomorrow should be better.

Oh. I understand.
Hope you have a better day tomorrow.


Well-known member
Pretty pathetic.:crying:
What's wrong, Srijita?

I worry myself with one thing after the next. Next year I finally graduate college and I want to develop a better plan of action. For 5 years I've had a dream to move out of America. I have talked to 5 different people so far about this ( 5 the magical number) and not one of them have told me yet that it's impossible because of how broke I am, if anything they have been supportive. I'm worried about doing it because you know I want to be safe. I've been looking into volunteer programs and some people have told me that If I am volunteering I shouldn't have to pay to visit. I do not know. The more people I talk to about it, the better. I have the support of my mother and that means a lot.
Where would you like to move to?


Well-known member
After texting Fiona last night and a big 12 hour sleep, I feel better today. I hope the next week is less stressful than the last 2 days.


Well-known member
It was certainly great, thank you. :)

Will you be able to make this happen?

I had a good day - far better than yesterday's abomination. I helped a friend move and got free chocolate after it. It was good, physical work. :)

" And got free chocolate after it" That tickled me for some reason, it's cute you have such a thing for chocolate. I have an obsession with pecan ice cream cut me I might bleed it. So pffttttt.

Well, I've been talking to this guy in Mossoro for 2 years and I'm waiting back for information from him about his neighbors from Mexico and programs I can look into. Will I be able to make it happen? Time will tell and so will my guts. I hope so and would like to try at least once.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Old... and like am a disappointment to those around me.

Also feelin' strangely guilty for standing up for myself, recently. Ah don't know why...? :sad:


Hie yer hence from me heath!
You're not a disappointment Graeme. Never let anyone make you feel like this. *hugs*

Eh, thanks... :thumbup: Ah guess I just feel that way because I finally stood up tae ma sister the other day. Didnae say anything bad, just got the feelin' she didnae like me standing ma ground. Ah just want to live ma life of ma terms, ye know...?

I know it sounds desparate, but I'd appreciate if I could talk to someone right now.

You can message me, if ya want? :idontknow: Ah might no give great advice but am always willing tae listen.


Well-known member
it's the same stuff I tell myself. Most of what I think and say is the disease speaking. So hard to try the new skills they give me in therapy. I hope you are going to have a good day, anyway, Graeme.


Well-known member
Well, I've been talking to this guy in Mossoro for 2 years and I'm waiting back for information from him about his neighbors from Mexico and programs I can look into. Will I be able to make it happen? Time will tell and so will my guts. I hope so and would like to try at least once.
Hopefully you can do it. Moving countries is a big deal, but if you want to, there's no stopping you! :thumbup:

Its just my life..its..meh don't know how to explain this.
I know it sounds desparate, but I'd appreciate if I could talk to someone right now.
This was posted 2 hours ago, but I hope you feel better now. I would say you can talk to me, but I'll be going to work shortly. ::(: