How are you feeling?

If you have medication for it that does not seem to work, it can help if you also take anti-nausea medication. Migraine disrupts the digestive system - which is why children vomit when they have a migraine - and the disruption stops the medication from being absorbed.

I don't have medication yet. I was prescribed some before but misfortunes happened and I couldn't get it. I'll get some eventually...


Well-known member
Flustered and anxious... Been cleaning all morning and in a few minutes my husband's mother and little sister are arriving to visit and collect Christmas presents... UGH! It's bad enough when family members I like visit... But I hate his mother... Still, perhaps I can hide in the bedroom with his sister while she plays on my keyboard for a while (I like his little sister, it's just his mother I can't stand lol).


Well-known member
Actually, the best thing for a migraine is the exact opposite - exercise, or any physical movement at all (not joking) aggravates it. And doctors always recommend a "cool, dark room". Thank you for offering advice though :)

I always lay down as much as possible and wrap my head up in a pillow. I find covering my ears, and the putting some pressure on my head helpful. I also drink a lot of tea when I get mine. It seems to alleviate the symptoms considerably, for a short while.


Well-known member
I'm feeling good overall. I had my fourth date yesterday with the girl I know for almost 2 months now. Last time I tried to explain her I really like her and all, asked her if she feels the same, she said she needs time for these things. The following day on chat she wrote she doubts that we'll become more than friends. But I asked her another chance so we met yesterday, and I can tell I didn't have this much fun with her before... I think I'm starting to like her even more. I gave her a christmas present too.:) She wants to spend the new year's eve with me, even asked me if there's a good movie to watch in the cinemas... Yet I didn't kiss her, I wanted to though, but next time I don't care, I will do it. Maybe we got just a little bit physical yesterday, and she didn't mind. So I'm just trying not to overthink things, keep calm and just have a fun time with her, next time as well.:)


Well-known member
I'm feeling good overall. I had my fourth date yesterday with the girl I know for almost 2 months now. Last time I tried to explain her I really like her and all, asked her if she feels the same, she said she needs time for these things. The following day on chat she wrote she doubts that we'll become more than friends. But I asked her another chance so we met yesterday, and I can tell I didn't have this much fun with her before... I think I'm starting to like her even more. I gave her a christmas present too.:) She wants to spend the new year's eve with me, even asked me if there's a good movie to watch in the cinemas... Yet I didn't kiss her, I wanted to though, but next time I don't care, I will do it. Maybe we got just a little bit physical yesterday, and she didn't mind. So I'm just trying not to overthink things, keep calm and just have a fun time with her, next time as well.:)

That's awesome Dani. I hope things go great between you both.
I'm disappointed today.. The CPU cooling fan of my computer doesn't work properly, which causes it to be way hotter then it usually is. It kept shutting down this afternoon, then I cleaned out the dust, but even running merely the browser the CPU is hitting 80 degree Celsius.

It can't run games in this condition. it's all because of those weird and stupid plastic plug things with which you mount it. One (of four) can't doesn't fit in its hole any more causing it to be mounted askew.

Why couldn't it just have been screws? Even idiots understand how those work..


Well-known member
Husband's mother and sister have gone and I've finally been able to eat lunch (at 3:45, having not eaten since breakfast...). As predicted, I got to hide in the bedroom with his little sister whilst I taught her some pieces of music on my keyboard... Which was much needed after I started to feel shaky and anxious sitting in the room with his mother! I just wish my voice wouldn't completely change when I'm around people... I almost whisper and I talk much more softly than I usually do and it just ends up sounding strange... (Not that I speak to people, I mostly just nod and go "mm-hmm". *Sigh*)


Well-known member
It's 3:15am here and I've just returned from playing a gig. Feeling accomplished but really tired, although I can't sleep because I have to be at work at 5am. After that I'm going to be very much out of action.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
The only sane one in an insane family. Yet, naebody gives a fu... ck!

Next Christmas = suicide! Because I honestly cannae take it anymore. The constant fights between older siblings. :kickingmyself: :crying:

I should've been a f**kin' abortion! :sad:


Well-known member
The only sane one in an insane family. Yet, naebody gives a fu... ck!

Next Christmas = suicide! Because I honestly cannae take it anymore. The constant fights between older siblings. :kickingmyself: :crying:

I should've been a f**kin' abortion! :sad:
Me too. I'm so sorry you've to deal with all that Graeme, if you want to chat I'm right here.


Well-known member rains in California, ever?! :eek: I was lied to!
Meanwhile, in Northern California...
