Nothing like a well-meaning comment from a family member about a dating website tae make ye realise just sh!te yer life has gotten. Or how much of loser I am.
Being telt by ma 18 year auld cousin: "
You should join a dating website, get yerself a woman!"
Aye, like that's gonnae happen!
I appreciate the advice an' all. But I, personally, doubt I'll be doing that anytime soon, tae be honest. I was'nae aw that keen on joinin' Facebook. And the thought of a dating website just fill me with dread.

mg::idontknow: I mean, I cannae see a woman even wantin' tae date me, unless they're as mental in the heid as I am! :ironicsmile:
And the odds are kinda against me in that area on account of my physical disability. An' the whole "
taboo" subject of disability and sexuality. And, I don't really want tae rant about this topic - since I rarely talk openly about myself or the fact I have cerebral palsy.
But am gonnae anyway... And not tae sound bitter or come across as an effin' knob or nothin', but able-bodied have it a lot easier in many ways when it comes tae dating and sex; more so, than if yer disabled (
just sayin'!). I might be
wrong, though...?
And then there's my total inability to start and maintain friendships in real life. Mostly due to SA, and to some extent my disability. Then there's always that feelin' with me, that people will, eventually, get bored of me, stop being my friend and leave. Forgot about me, pretty much. I mean, that was the case with every able-bodied friend I made during high school. They didn't stick around long.
So, if I don't have much luck with makin' friends, I don't see havin' much luck on a dating website. I don't know, maybe am being too cynical, eh? Anyway, that's ma wee rant over. Just need tae vent ma feelin' and get that oot ma system.