How are you feeling?


Well-known member
feeling hopeless but apart from that I'm kinda okay I guess. I'm on school holiday so all my anixety disappears during this time coz Im just in the house chilling playing fifa13!

A Many Splendored Thing

Well-known member
I just got excused from a jury panel, of course. I have at least 200mg of anti-depressants sitting right next to me, and I'm wondering if that would be enough to kill me.

Why would I want to live being a stupid version of House(tv show).
I feel pretty depressed to be honest. Not much else to say about it but I'm just going to keep doing my word puzzles to keep my mind off it.


Well-known member
I'm feeling a bit annoyed with a colleague who I heard make a comment under her breath about me. Uhh...when somebody appears to moan about absolutely everything, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that they moan about me too. I just get tired of people stating their negative opinions about others as fact sometimes, just keep it to yourself, move on and do something interesting.
Blah. I've been up 18 hours. I'm up for work in another 6 hours. Its been a long day. I need to sleep.


Well-known member
I'm feeling a bit annoyed with a colleague who I heard make a comment under her breath about me. Uhh...when somebody appears to moan about absolutely everything, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that they moan about me too. I just get tired of people stating their negative opinions about others as fact sometimes, just keep it to yourself, move on and do something interesting.
Blah. I've been up 18 hours. I'm up for work in another 6 hours. Its been a long day. I need to sleep.
Yes, you do need to sleep!

If this colleague has a problem with you, would you rather she came to you directly instead of being passive-aggressive? As much as I would dislike it, I'd probably prefer it to get it over and done with faster.


Well-known member
Yes, you do need to sleep!

If this colleague has a problem with you, would you rather she came to you directly instead of being passive-aggressive? As much as I would dislike it, I'd probably prefer it to get it over and done with faster.

I think being passive-aggressive just highlights the immaturity. I believe that if somebody was truly that confident about their beliefs (not just trying to convince themselves/others they are in the right) then they wouldn't have to resort to passive aggressiveness. They'd be more upfront about it.

I really like this colleague for the most part but over the past few weeks it seems like all she ever does is moan. We have the same role with the same tasks to do and it feels like I'm doing all of the work. She just moans about the tasks and makes excuses about being busy but actually just chats for ages. Then, when we have to report back on the task she'll speak as though she's done a lot when I know for a fact she hasn't. I've noticed she rolls her eyes a lot and she's made a couple of snide comments about me being a graduate. She'll walk by my computer and always looks at what I'm doing. I even get the feeling a couple of times as though she's trying to land me in trouble. I'm getting very tempted to say something to her, but I know she has other issues right now so I've just tried to forget about it for the sake of peace. But... yeah. Watch this space.


Well-known member
I think being passive-aggressive just highlights the immaturity. I believe that if somebody was truly that confident about their beliefs (not just trying to convince themselves/others they are in the right) then they wouldn't have to resort to passive aggressiveness. They'd be more upfront about it.

I really like this colleague for the most part but over the past few weeks it seems like all she ever does is moan. We have the same role with the same tasks to do and it feels like I'm doing all of the work. She just moans about the tasks and makes excuses about being busy but actually just chats for ages. Then, when we have to report back on the task she'll speak as though she's done a lot when I know for a fact she hasn't. I've noticed she rolls her eyes a lot and she's made a couple of snide comments about me being a graduate. She'll walk by my computer and always looks at what I'm doing. I even get the feeling a couple of times as though she's trying to land me in trouble. I'm getting very tempted to say something to her, but I know she has other issues right now so I've just tried to forget about it for the sake of peace. But... yeah. Watch this space.
You shouldn't have to work like that: constantly having to worry about her, even indirectly. She should pull her weight and if there are things bothering her, she needs to sort them out and not be mean to you, and possibly others. The fact you're doing all the work shows that you're a good worker and you want things done.

Don't let her get away with too much. Speak up if you have to.

actually just chats for ages.
Gosh, that sounds like my co-worker, too!
I'm feeling like... I hate being a woman sometimes. Sometimes I feel ashamed to be female. I feel like I just exist for people to look at me and assess my sexual desirability, and if I don't meet certain standards then I'm worthless. I'm not saying this is how it really is all of the time... I'm saying that's how I feel it is a lot of the time. Feels pretty sh***y.

Not a good day at all, but on a slightly positive note I'm doing really well at these brain teaser games I'm playing. haha


Well-known member
Bummed out. I'm tired and overworked and the week's not over yet! And there's this constant tug-of-war between my positive and negative thoughts pulling me every which way. I really want to vent but don't have much to say.


Well-known member
I'm feeling like... I hate being a woman sometimes. Sometimes I feel ashamed to be female. I feel like I just exist for people to look at me and assess my sexual desirability, and if I don't meet certain standards then I'm worthless. I'm not saying this is how it really is all of the time... I'm saying that's how I feel it is a lot of the time. Feels pretty sh***y.
Yeah.... I'm sorry, don't know what to say, but I see what you mean. :sad:


Well-known member
I'm feeling like... I hate being a woman sometimes. Sometimes I feel ashamed to be female. I feel like I just exist for people to look at me and assess my sexual desirability, and if I don't meet certain standards then I'm worthless. I'm not saying this is how it really is all of the time... I'm saying that's how I feel it is a lot of the time. Feels pretty sh***y.

Not a good day at all, but on a slightly positive note I'm doing really well at these brain teaser games I'm playing. haha

It's the first thing people recognize and that's fine because when you see a person you also see them, but I agree don't just see that as all of a person.
No matter how attractive or non attractive someone else still thinks someone else is, people are still people. I was told listen more to those that you misjudge and don't like and critically to those you do like. Meaning listen close to everyone, but there are people who don't give a damn about others feelings and rather their personal gain, it's life and you have to weed out @holes.

Bummed out. I'm tired and overworked and the week's not over yet! And there's this constant tug-of-war between my positive and negative thoughts pulling me every which way. I really want to vent but don't have much to say.

At least it's almost over. Sorry, I hope your weekend goes well.
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Well-known member
I'm feeling like... I hate being a woman sometimes. Sometimes I feel ashamed to be female. I feel like I just exist for people to look at me and assess my sexual desirability, and if I don't meet certain standards then I'm worthless. I'm not saying this is how it really is all of the time... I'm saying that's how I feel it is a lot of the time. Feels pretty sh***y.

Not a good day at all, but on a slightly positive note I'm doing really well at these brain teaser games I'm playing. haha

guys have this feeling as well although Im not ashamed of being a guy. I know very well I don;t meet alot of peopls standars which is very frustrating to always be overlooked because something better may come along. you are right its a very sh***y feeling.


I feel empty. Having no friends that want to talk to me or see how I am doing gets me down sometimes, but what really drives in the depression is the day in/day out endless Jobsearch with nothing to show for it. First post for me, btw.


Well-known member
I'm not feeling so good...

My girlfriend left me about a month ago and it's been hard to get over it because I so loved her and she was my whole life.. and then she just said me that she doesn't love me anymore and left me.. Okay. One month passed and I've started to get over with it.

But today, I met my old friend who is a really good friend of my ex and I heard lots of things about her...

I heard my ex had cheated me. Not having sex or something but she had kissed with few boys who were good friends of her... I had always been jealous about them, but she always assured me everything is okay and she had done nothing wrong...

I also heard that she hadn't loved me for last six months...she had played with my emotions all the time...

She was my first girlfriend and I was her first boyfriend and she had very low self-esteem. But now, she has become a whоre and I'm not lying seriously. Three days after she left me, she started to have sex with another guys... Now she has a sex relationship with one guy I know... and who I really not like... she lives now in different city but she has two sex relationships with two different guys. She have been having sex with very many guys my friend told me and she also told how she is annoyd she has her menstruation and how she could have been with atleast eight guys...yes that is what she said...

Okay, I shouldn't be so bitter about her sex relationships after she left me, but I just can't...I'm so bitter... The girl I loved so much had played with my feelings and now she is a whоre... I trying to not think about it but it's so hard...and I'm so angry about one thing too.. We had a common friend who was a very beautiful and gorgeous girl and she had so many guys. My girlfriend was all time jealous to her and she always called her a stupid slut. And now...she is alike her...

I'm just trying to forget everything this but it's still bothering me...and I'm scared that all this will make my mood depressive... I've always been so alone, I'm sitting home alone every day and trying to avoid bad feelings. But it's hard after this all I heard and my brokeup... I want to be strong.. and I've been pretty strong my whole life, but now it's started to collapse... And I don't have courage to love anyone anymore... I'm scared my feelings are crushed again... my problem is that I'm just fighting with every feelings of mine just myself.. I've never talked about my problems to my parents, friends or anyone... Now they are starting to accumulate and I'm scared it will makes my life hard and messy...


Well-known member
I feel empty. Having no friends that want to talk to me or see how I am doing gets me down sometimes, but what really drives in the depression is the day in/day out endless Jobsearch with nothing to show for it. First post for me, btw.

Welcome to the forum Tamercloud. Sorry about how you're feeling, days can feel empty at the start of a process but they will pay off eventually.


Well-known member
To be honest, I feel as if now is and this whole year have been some of the lowest points in my life. But I don't like saying that when people ask me how I am, because I don't want to seem like a negative energy source, or over-dramatic. I've made progress with my anxiety, but my depression has grown worse. I can do things if I want to, probably even make friends, but the excitement is gone and for some reason i have grown completely apathetic. All I know is that these days and all the factors of life have grown so tiring that it sickens me to wake up to another day. At the same time, I consciously choose to feel unworthy of anything else, so I am baffled by why I am complaining. At least I always know the way out is to jump onto exercise and eating well and self care when I feel I deserve it more, or am too tired of feeling like this.


Well-known member
To be honest, I feel as if now is and this whole year have been some of the lowest points in my life. But I don't like saying that when people ask me how I am, because I don't want to seem like a negative energy source, or over-dramatic. I've made progress with my anxiety, but my depression has grown worse. All I know is that these days and all the factors of life have grown so tiring that it sickens me to wake up to another day. At the same time, I consciously choose to feel unworthy of anything else, so I am baffled by why I am complaining.
Better the Devil you know....

I'm sorry your depression is getting worse. I suffer it and it can be awful to have days where you just don't want to be around. I'm around if you need someone to chat to.

Let's hope for a better 2013 for you!