Who the hell needs sleep anyways?!?
Unfortunately, not everything gets a reply - not even from a veteran user like me! I understand your frustrations.
Cats need sleep.
I'm on the way to get depressed, the girl I've dated won't answer me I asked her out, but she still didn't answer me and it's been 3 days now, I even saw her online for a short time yesterday. Maybe she doesn't want to talk to me. If I call her I would be pushy, but I want to be seen as persistent, so you think it's a good idea to text her just to ask how is she, or something?
Hehe .. the best kind of advice. I probably have an awful lot of good advice i can offer on this as well ... having never had a gf or date even :thinking:*Dating advice given from someone who has never been on a date or had a boyfriend, so take from it what you wish
I actually meant that not even things I write about get replies, but it can work that way, too. Thank you for the lovely compliment. :shyness:You make an effort to reply to almost everyone. Its so sweet/adore le mikey of spw.
hope you dont feel bad for not being able to respond to everyone. Its a group effort in the end
So incredibly pissed off right now as my tire exploded a few miles away from my house on the interstate this morning and I managed to put my worn spare on and get home. I called my unit and told them my issue and proposed two courses of action. 1) Someone pick me up and 2) I make drill up another day. I'd like to think both options were more than reasonable, but both were outright rejected and they told me I have to be there tomorrow. That is a 120 mile round trip in the mountains on a very worn spare tire. If it goes out there, I'm stuck there as I only have $40 to my name. Here is a picture of my tire after I got it home and the rim from the blown tire out of the boot.
Is it me? Am I the crazy and unreasonable one or is it the cold, heartless and bureaucratic machine that is the United States Army?
I know the feeling. I am fighting with beign overdrawn right now becasue of repairs to my first car I bought off a real and true car lot and the warrently went out two weeks before it had problems. I still owe the bank for two more years before its totaly paid off. I could repair most of my older cars and trucks my self like the car i told you about the ballbearings. I actualy spent a weekend doing all the work with my stepfather back in the day but these foreign jobs are way out of my league.I decided for my safety and the car, to turn around and go home and the Army was less than understanding about it and I could get in trouble for it. They didn't want to send anyone to get me, so what am I to do, right? I also don't know how I'm going to replace it, I'm about to be back to the same old of owing the bank money and paying $30 overdraft fees. I love this car, but the tires, insurance and so on cost WAY too much for my backwards income. Perhaps I can trade it for a VW Vanagon Westfalia, which would be much more practical and easier to maintain. I am considering it, but I do have some memories in this car and it is my first car after all; it's been paid off long ago and I still can't afford it, which sucks.
I know the feeling. I am fighting with beign overdrawn right now becasue of repairs to my first car I bought off a real and true car lot and the warrently went out two weeks before it had problems. I still owe the bank for two more years before its totaly paid off. I could repair most of my older cars and trucks my self like the car i told you about the ballbearings. I actualy spent a weekend doing all the work with my stepfather back in the day but these foreign jobs are way out of my league.
Nice. I drove a ford tauras most of my highschool life it was the one I repaird the front end on. I road that car so hard and had to do alot of repairs that I was suprized it lasted as long as it did. Its good for people to beable to get some exsperince on working on there own car special someone who figured out on there own about reseting the computer and puting a cold air intake into something they know nothing about. When I got my huyandia I had a choice a lexus with over 100k miles or this car with 20k. Either one I would not be able to repair it my self or figure it out most likly.Not just foreign anymore, this car of mine is a Ford, and a mustang above that, the most iconic American car; however it is made like foreign cars where only stealerships can work on it. Basic things like transmission dipstick aren't in this car and draining the casing requires a special thing that only a Ford stealership can do. If I have to get rid of this car due to expenses I can't afford, I'll likely go with a late 80's/ early 90's Volkswagen Vanagon Westfalia, at least it is cheaper and easy to work on, I'll just miss the power, MPG and pure coolness of the Mustang—should I decide to trade the Mustang. I also have no mechanical knowledge of cars, but I can figure it out, I managed to put my own cold air intake in this car and retune the computer in it without really knowing what I was doing, so there is hope for me yet in that respect.
What's on your mind here, twiggle?
I just want to die. Why can't I just wear gloves 24/7? Maybe I can. I have the most hideously ugly tiny little stubby hands ever. Who would want to be with someone with hands like mine?
Seriously, try and tell me these things aren't hideous. You can't.
View attachment 2921
They may not be maimed or covered in weird warts or whatever, but they're still hideous![]()
Yeah, that's pretty lame, to be honest. I don't know how you can personally resolve that situation, but you know the truth and I'm positive your friend will like that you're on his side. That sucks. :thumbdown:A friend had a misunderstanding with a female friend of his (an acquaintance of mine) and she's over-exaggerating (to the point of lying) what happened and making him out to be bad guy, and telling everyone all about it (even his friends who she doesn't know) etc looking for sympathy, putting statuses about it etc.
Meanwhile he's really hurting because of her false accusations but is being a lot more dignified by not gossiping about it.
And she's the one getting all the sympathy from neutrals who are now looking at him with disgrace when he did absolutely nothing like she is suggesting he did. I saw what happened so this isn't just me being biased in favour of a friend. It's just me being annoyed that just because somebody is whinging and moaning they're getting their own way.
I'm sorry, I empathise a great deal with those who are insecure because I am too, but I resent those who resort to attention seeking, especially at the expense of somebody else who has just as little confidence in themselves.