I woke up this morning with 2 depressing revelations
- I have a crush on someone I should really not have a crush on
- Society is swallowing my SOUL
... I know life could be worst but this is the kind of morning where I'm starting to make plans to leave everything behind and just drive to nowhere...
yeah crushes can play havoc with one. i've been there too. but not all crushes are bad. maybe it's not as black and white as to whether you shouldn't or can't have a crush on this person. sometimes knowing i have feelings for someone makes me feel more human. i know nothing will come of it, but at least my being was able to feel something for another person. i think it's what's kept me going since i'm so surrounded by negative emotions all the time. so there can be a positive to it.
don't get me started about society. :

: i know deep down that i need to be a specific type in order to blend in and understand the intricacies of contemporary society. but i guess i'm just not that type. what seems normal to the whole, may seem strange an uncomfortable for us.
driving to nowhere seems like a reasonable response, when we feel this way. i wish i could do it, to be honest. anyway i hope you feel better and your day improves.